Picks of the Month


Pick of the Month

The Blue Books Restored: Fragments 1A to 70 (part 4 of 4)

Diane cast her spell, like casting a boulder in a pool of Reality and causing it to ripple. The force of her will made manifest.
Pick of the Month

Liam Anders

He got up before dawn. Each day. Crawled out of bed to the stinging sound of an alarm going off beside his bed. Woke himself with stabbing cold water...


Gold cherry
Story of the week
Pick of the Month

relapse prevention therapy

When I was five I was raped. He said it was a game. It wouldn’t hurt. These are clichés. I sometimes tell my students that fiction often isn’t...
Gold cherry
Poem of the week
Pick of the Month

Soul Boy

I am fifteen years old, a wedge haircut before Brideshead, a forever flicked fringe, soul blue eyes. It’s 1979, my last summer has gone. I am the...


Gold cherry
Poem of the week
Pick of the Month


The telly is not working so I forced myself to write a poem.


Gold cherry
Poem of the week
Pick of the Month


Tail-end tale in a passing storm


Gold cherry
Pick of the Month

The Green and White Dress

“Make me a dress for the upcoming gala.” This is Lady Mirithmae. She comes sweeping into my shop, with her gossamer train swishing behind her, her...
Gold cherry
Pick of the Month

My Neighbour the Alcoholic

My neighbour, the alcoholic Knows everything but remembers little She eats good food, pickles it herself She won’t let anyone see inside Privacy...


Gold cherry
Story of the week
Pick of the Month

The List

My mother died as she lived. In Marks and Spencer's Food Hall.


Gold cherry
Poem of the week
Pick of the Month

My Mother And I Agree On Something

I lost my Mum last month. She was a funny and wise woman, and I wrote this last year after a conversation during which, for once, we really did agree on something.
