Stephen Thom

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryCharlie and Eliza (Pt 1) _Hayley_54 years 1 month ago
StoryCharlie and Eliza (Pt 2) _Hayley_24 years 1 month ago
StorySixty Minutes in Summer Ed Crane154 years 1 month ago
StoryTour de Falkirk celticman54 years 1 month ago
StoryOpen-air theatre Parson Thru84 years 1 month ago
StoryQuarantine samhennig84 years 1 month ago
Story"LET ME COLLECT DUST" (Part 2 of 2) Lille Dante24 years 1 month ago
Story"LET ME COLLECT DUST" (Part 1 of 2) Lille Dante24 years 1 month ago
StoryBlack Forest agnosticnun124 years 1 month ago
Storythe old geezer celticman134 years 2 months ago
StoryDoll airyfairy164 years 2 months ago
StoryMoney For The Circus 9 Ewan34 years 2 months ago
StoryTwisted Time Penny4athought74 years 2 months ago
StoryApple-pie Order glennvn44 years 2 months ago
StoryStarfish to Flint littleditty104 years 2 months ago
StoryWhat broke? socialeaf24 years 2 months ago
StoryEnglish rain littleditty144 years 2 months ago
StoryHome, with family, with scars. agnosticnun144 years 2 months ago
StoryCrooked Timber Ewan64 years 2 months ago
StoryDunking Ink (10) windrose14 years 2 months ago
StoryThe Pictures Are Open sean mcnulty104 years 2 months ago
StoryCanal Walk in Summer John Thornfield84 years 2 months ago
StoryThicker than water Yutka44 years 2 months ago
StoryChadpocalypse - 2:9 Ballroom Blitz mac_ashton34 years 3 months ago
StoryChadpocalypse - 2:7 - Stairway to Heaven mac_ashton34 years 3 months ago


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142 of my comments have received 147 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

'I will always identify that

Posted on Fri, 27 Jul 2018

'I will always identify that those were the good days' beautiful words, beautiful piece

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Posted in The Chair

1 Vote

Very affecting and honest.

Posted on Sun, 29 Jul 2018

Very affecting and honest. Tidy writing throughout too, you put yourself into it and it carries over to the reader. Lovely piece

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Posted in Those Moments

1 Vote

Nicely done. Something

Posted on Wed, 14 Feb 2018

Nicely done. Something different. Alliteration and sound and feeling. Like the word combinations - murmur curdles / rush chasmed / susurrus spray. Like this willingness to play with and create new images and ways of presenting words, it's brave...

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Posted in Chutes of Spring

1 Vote

There's some brilliant

Posted on Thu, 15 Feb 2018

There's some brilliant options. 'by ginger.' 'Dang my melt' laugh

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Posted in Pins (1)

1 Vote

Interesting piece. It's all

Posted on Tue, 23 Jan 2018

Interesting piece. It's all relative, experience of life, and it feels a joyous, pretty moment. The title feels well chosen, in that way that there is often explaining. I may be reading it wrong - it's late. Much enjoyed though, good work

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Posted in She Explained

1 Vote

Nice images, nice

Posted on Wed, 17 Jan 2018

Nice images, nice alliterative touches, nice compound words. 'A dot of momentum - ' is a pretty close. Enjoyed.

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Posted in Snowflakes

1 Vote

Real strong work. Thoughtful,

Posted on Tue, 02 Jan 2018

Real strong work. Thoughtful, touching, entertaining and funny too. Nice tone/ way of relating this to the reader, too... natural. Props, much enjoyed. 

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Posted in The Journey Back

1 Vote

might have to add that wee

Posted on Fri, 13 Oct 2017

might have to add that wee joke into the story...

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Posted in Happiness is a molecule (1)

1 Vote

Ah 'ferns like dinosaur kits'

Posted on Sun, 17 Sep 2017

Ah 'ferns like dinosaur kits' is GENIUS... so much to appreciate here, 'shadow-silt nestled', rattle of pretty alliteration in 'emerald mosses' myriad mound', little touches like 'bright grass-mass' you can see how much craft and thought has gone...

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Posted in time travelling

1 Vote

Lovely controlled prose, nice

Posted on Sat, 15 Jul 2017

Lovely controlled prose, nice descriptions and diction esp. verbs throughout yes

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Posted in The Day
