Priestess Danella and wealthy Valery encourage mistress Jeanette and civil servant Mireau in an alternative world, not dissimilar to our own, perhaps a century or more before now.
Danella and Valery have persuaded some of their friends to return to Valery's town house, celebrating in their own way. This is set in an alternative world, not dissimilar to our own, perhaps a century or more before now.
Danella, the Priestess of distant Pirion, attempts to break barriers and forge new connections between her new friends in Dumis as they return to Valery's Town House. This is set in an alternative world, not dissimilar to our own, perhaps a century or more before now.
Danella, the Priestess of distant Pirion, and Valery, the rich manufacturer, invite her new friends back to Valery's Town House, but only some will accompany them. This is set in an alternative world, not dissimilar to our own.
Danella, the Priestess of Pirion, in the land of her people's conquerors, finds out more about the web of relationships amongst the group of new friends Mireau has introduced her to. She provokes them with her questioning and offers them the prospect of possible adventures. This is set in an alternative world, not dissimilar to our own.