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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryPlanet Prison Jessiibear03 months 2 weeks ago
StoryBeauty on a Dungheap Rhiannonw141 year 8 months ago
Storyjust deserts Di_Hard313 years 2 months ago
StoryEchoes Of Love mcscraic23 years 2 months ago
StoryTug of War Jessiibear33 years 2 months ago
StoryOur Last Talk Jessiibear13 years 3 months ago
StoryA Lucky Man luigi_pagano163 years 3 months ago
StoryRoad Jessiibear43 years 3 months ago
StoryGoodbye Jessiibear103 years 3 months ago
StoryRelatability Jessiibear23 years 3 months ago
StorySetting Sons marandina433 years 3 months ago
StoryAfter the Storm luigi_pagano83 years 3 months ago
StoryDurk Willems Rhiannonw133 years 3 months ago
StoryMy Wife's Damn Violin randy-johnson23 years 3 months ago
StoryLanguages ralph23 years 4 months ago
StoryThis Song Jessiibear03 years 4 months ago
CollectionNostalgia Jessiibear03 years 4 months ago
Storyx! Nolan128 years 2 months ago
StoryDiamond Jubilee hilary west49 years 1 month ago
StoryToday I Wrote a Poem Silver Spun Sand189 years 5 months ago
StoryJimmy (part 2) Jessiibear010 years 2 months ago
StoryJimmy (part 1) Jessiibear010 years 2 months ago
CollectionDuplicate: Undead Jessiibear010 years 2 months ago
StoryChapter 5 Jessiibear010 years 2 months ago
StoryChapter 2 Jessiibear010 years 2 months ago

My stories


Planet Prison

“Death never scared me,” I say to an eagle. “Not until today.” It pays mind only to its decaying meal. “This was my favourite bench as a kid,” I add...

Tug of War

Our rope strains. Snaps in half. A table toppled. A dealt deck, confetti. An 80s record wrecked; a silent song. Your brain is a towel, wringing out...

Our Last Talk

Between us, silence is a game of charades played on changing leaves.


There are stars that watch After the sun has gone -- Substitutes for the destitute, Their twinkling an epiphany. An eye is drawn to their beauty,...


What is it about the road, I wonder That catches little eyes? Gravel grainy, blacktop tough, no matter-- Which comes as no surprise. And there's no...


9 of my comments have received 9 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

So sad, so true. I enjoyed

Posted on Tue, 20 Apr 2021

So sad, so true. I enjoyed your play on words here as well, and the images were so immersive! It really helped draw me in to this very real issue, to recognize not only your stand on it but the beauty in what was lost to plastic and the like. I'm...

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Posted in just deserts

1 Vote

Luigi, you're a master of

Posted on Sun, 18 Apr 2021

Luigi, you're a master of rhythm. I really enjoyed this, there are so many truths here. Our world has taken a crazy turn, with so many changes and adjustments we need to make now to bring back a more ideal status quo. You give me hope just...

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Posted in After the Storm

1 Vote

What a concise retelling. I

Posted on Wed, 14 Apr 2021

What a concise retelling. I agree with others: passionate, sad, inspiring. You've so expertly woven the tale, capturing relevant details and emotions. You did them justice here. The emotions came, for me, in waves. Like colours, such a beautiful...

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Posted in Durk Willems

1 Vote

Love this. The images at the

Posted on Wed, 14 Apr 2021

Love this. The images at the start; the feeling. The specifics of the second half. And the promise of the last four lines tie it all up. Beautifully written. Those cherries are well deserved. 

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Posted in Setting Sons

1 Vote

This lacks one thing: cherries ;)

Posted on Tue, 08 Apr 2014

Thought I'd check you out again, you're so brilliant, Stuart.

Not one word wasted. Please please don't stop writing.

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Posted in edges

1 Vote


Posted on Tue, 08 Apr 2014

Epic fantasy? I love fantasy.

Prologues, though, are more than not a waste. Whatever is in the prologue is likely able to be weaved into the chapters or omitted. I would recommend--as many authors, editors and agents do--that you jump...

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Posted in Elder Earth: The Fight for Freedom

1 Vote

Beautiful, Stuart :)

Posted on Tue, 08 Apr 2014

That ending lol. I would pick out a few lines I particularily love, but they're all so packed with meaning and metaphorical wonder, the underlying theme, for me, shining through. 

Beautiful, Stuart :)

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Posted in above below

1 Vote


Posted on Tue, 01 Apr 2014

"of wide eyed spring beauty

into metallic jugs and bottles

 , forever until


And the very last line are possibly my favourites. I like the feel this gives me.



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Posted in will we be ugly