Life is just a flea circus
By ScribbleScribe
- 1072 reads
Morning is just another word
To describe
A new way
A new day
A new beginning
Night is just
A silent repose
To collect the scattered fragments
Twilight is when
all that was clear
fades away
and confusion sets in
sun is blazing
Its high tide
Life is overwhelming
Run Around
Dash Around
Life is just a flea circus
Most of us never see
Go ahead
Jump from that
High Dive
Into that glass of water
An Olympic sized pool
Light is waning
An act is done
In your playing
Put in a saddened face
That brightens in the morn
A blue moon
Seems to glow
In a new understanding
A revelation
A prophesy like sight
Run Around
Dash Around
Life is just a flea circus
Most of us never see
Go ahead
Jump from that
High Dive
Into that glass of water
An Olympic sized pool
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