Discovery Of The Real America (Saurus Arrives In The West: Chapter 5)
By Kurt Rellians
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Discovery Of The Real America (Saurus Arrives In The West : Chapter 5)
(Continued from Saurus Arrives in The West : Chapters 1-4) which have been classified in Other Fiction (story). This chapter 5 contains some erotic passages and is therefore categorised as Erotic (not suitable for under 18 readers) and has its own alternative name. Discovery Of The Real America can be read on its own without the other chapters or in conjunction with them. )
The ideas in this piece are merely fictions of the future. They are not meant to cause offence to anyone, whether Jewish, Muslim, Christian, ‘Western’, religious etc. Please read with an open mind.
Scene : Central City, America : The 22nd Century West
Saurus opened the door to the apartment. He could hear somebody panting somewhere inside. He stepped into the corridor, curious and slightly alarmed. Maybe Sadar or Abdan were doing some exercises. There was a burst of clattering sound, which sounded like someone hitting furniture. The panting came in gasps, and then a voice saying something unintelligible and repeating it, which could have been Abdan. There was a slapping sound. Saurus briefly wondered whether Abdan was being attacked. He had a sudden vision of the American police finding out about their activities, and beating Abdan for information. The thought of potential danger did not stop him opening the door to the lounge. The sight which he saw was one for which he was not at all prepared, although he had perhaps subliminally felt it as he walked down the corridor, without admitting his suspicions to himself. He had entered so fast he had not had time for thought.
Abdan was naked, kneeling forward on the settee, clutching the back of it with both arms. The panting however was Sadar’s, for he was mounted behind a woman’s outstretched buttocks. Saurus could only assume Sadar’s erect penis must be somehow thrust into the woman’s hindquarters and his hands were laid on her shapely hips. Sadar was sweating and shaking as he thrust himself in short jerks, in and out of the woman’s behind. She was tall and slim, a tidy figure, with long brown hair, perhaps in her late thirties. Her right hand appeared to be clutching her own genitals.
What was his compatriot Abdan doing kneeling on the settee next to Sadar, as Sadar penetrated the woman? Saurus crept closer to see better. Now he could see. Abdan too was on top of a female figure. Another naked American woman, shorter and more fleshy than the other, was beneath him. She was stroking Abdan’s bronzed torso, with both hands and her lips, as he penetrated her. Saurus’ brain leapt to involuntary judgement. Abdan’s woman had an attractive face. Her left hand gently stroked his compatriot Sadar’s bronzed side as he engaged with his partner. Saurus could not see the face of the woman who carried Sadar, but if her body was anything to judge by he expected it to be attractive.
Saurus was a man of the world. He had seen many things with his own eyes, in the East as well as in the West. There were sinners in the East too. He knew only too well that most of us are sinners, but still follow the teachings of the Koran, the Bible , the Torah or whatever religious, spiritual or philosophic teachings we may subscribe to, and we may still serve Allah or God, depending on how we prefer to call him, or whatever. These were two servants of Allah who had done good work, or at least attempted good work, and even now served the purpose of the East, in trying to turn the West towards the East. They had been out here in this corrosive Western Society, trying to change it, and had fallen victim to its temptations.
He had seen intimations of this change in his compatriots since the day he had arrived in America. Sadar’s long stay in the West, his refusal to return home had told him as much. Sadar had known he was a sinner, and had long before turned his back on his homeland. That was why he had refused to return home. He had thought he might be found out and punished, or would be told to stay in the East, when all he wanted was to live a debauched lifestyle in America. Sadar had worked on Abdan from the start of the young victim’s tour, had probably taken him to all the wrong places and shown him all the wrong things. Finally he would have given him women to play with. The pure young man had been led astray. Then the gap between sexual adventure in private with women and in orgiastic company would have narrowed until Abdan had been persuaded to join Sadar in his evil ways, and the younger man had allowed the western devil to enter him.
Saurus had observed the signs but had not recognised them. He could never have imagined that the West could lure these men to such extreme acts of perversion. In the east orgies were a rare practice. Since the days of Moghul Emperors, Sultans and Rajas, and their harems, orgies were a thing of distant legend. The teachings of respected religions forbade such behaviour, although the wealthy and powerful had sometimes fallen victim to such temptations. In the recent century the return to a more fundamental interpretation of Islam in particular had created a moral climate in which even the powerful had to be concerned how they would be viewed by the people. Public accountability had finally become an important principle in the East. Hindu culture had continued to frown upon sexual promiscuity except in certain sanctioned outlets, which channelled sexual lusts. The perpetrators of orgiastic behaviour in the East were not allowed to engage openly in it, and, on occasion, could be made a public example of by imprisonment, whipping, dismemberment, and, on occasion, even death.
He could have accepted their behaviour if he had found his friends in individual privacy with these two women. Sexual desire was indeed natural. Some Eastern leaders and businessmen who could afford it had more than one wife, or took mistresses on occasion. Many men, and Saurus could include himself in this, viewed it as acceptable for men to occasionally have a sexual adventure, but not to degrade themselves by this sharing of what should remain private between a man and a woman.
The West was full of people who had lost all responsibility for family, for god, or for their wives. They did what they pleased, and the more gross the perversion the better. He had seen a lot since he had come here. Perhaps he was growing more immune to the sins around him. Any human being would start to believe it was normal when it was all around him.
He had never imagined he would see his Eastern colleagues behaving in the same way however and he would never have wished to see it, particularly from two friends. He felt sorrow because these had been his friends; until today he had thought they were his friends. Now he saw they had been pretending to him all the time, trying to soften him up gently to the ways of the West, pretending they were developing real networks and were converting people to the ideals of the East. In fact these ‘conversions’ had been little more than social clubs for people disaffected by their own lives and wanting to ‘play’ with something a bit different. Perhaps they were the best that could be done in the cultural situation here. Saurus felt like washing his hands of the whole task. The task was impossible. If even the instructors and officers of change could be so weak as Abdan and Sadar, then what hope was there for the instructees who came from this evil society.
Saurus had given up his mission, for the time being. He could see no clear way forward. All seemed hopeless. He saw that Sadar was a devoted sexual adventurer, projecting a mere pretence of loyalty to the homelands of the East, while enjoying his life of sexual licence here in the West. He had given the appearance of devotion to his duty, while Saurus had been new in Central City. As Saurus observed the depravity and perversion of the citizens he had become quite unshockable. Sadar must have thought that in time Saurus would become ‘Westernised’, as he had, with all the perversity that entailed. Not in time, for the shock of discovering the loyal colleague who he had thought was his friend, engaged in depraved communal sexual acts, in the midst of their own apartment. Saurus recoiled in shame and revulsion. How could such a man be a friend. How could he be a friend, who had disguised the true nature of his life for so long, inviting ‘guests’ around whenever he was not in residence, and pretending to be a zealot in their task of setting up the ‘resistance’ in America.
The groups Sadar had set up were a mere sham, or so he thought. In truth there was no ‘resistance’. It was a mere fiction!
In his mental anguish Saurus wandered without purpose, eventually finding himself exhausted in the park. Unsure of what to do he rested on the park bench, eventually falling asleep.
Awaking to noise in the night he observed the rituals of late night revellers, an orgy in the park, on the grass, not far from him, and among the trees, not far to the right. They had probably selected the place, knowing that he might awake and would watch, the depraved Western devils. What else was there to do but watch. He had not been able to watch Sadar and Abdan, and so had angrily fled, trying to push those shameful activities out of his head, but these revellers were unknown to him. Unlike his erstwhile friends they had not betrayed him. They were complete strangers. He might as well observe them, for why should he leave this bench. He had come here first. He felt he had no home. Why should he not retain this place, which at this moment seemed like the only home he had.
And so he watched them. Young ladies, behaving in very unladylike manner. Attractive; that made it worse, for he was attracted to them also. They were all unclothed in the warm summer night when they came here. Evidently their evening of debauchery was planned to some extent. In front of the watching males, two females hugged each other, laughing as they fingered each other, making them both squirm and pant. Then before too long they had invited the males to join them. Another female had now begun to suck at the penis of a young man. All of these were in their early or mid twenties perhaps. Soon the two girls were both laid back on the grass, as a succession of the males inserted their penises, pounding hard until each in turn expended their semen into the little sacks, which each attached to his penis before entering the women. In turn the penises came out and the sacks containing the discharge were piled on the grass. One male pulled his penis out of his girl before discharge, pulling off his sack and masturbating hard on his strong erection, eyes focused on the prone body before him, watched by some of the males while his seed fell on the slim body below.
To Saurus’ horror the males were not satisfied with their own orgasms, or maybe it was because the women were not yet satisfied. They then gathered around the 3 women, fingering, kissing, and pleasuring them, teasing and caressing them until they also orgasmed, loudly and freely. They spent much time in this way, having more than one orgasm, and then some of the males were again ready to be sucked or to penetrate the females.
Saurus was again horrified to observe the arrival of perhaps a total of 7 or 8 onlookers, older adults, in three groups, all clothed this time, when they arrived. These people watched at first. Two couples then began to make love with each other. One of these couples stripped and made off into the bushes for some privacy, but he could still see parts of them, between the leaves. The remaining onlookers were welcomed to join the group on the grass after a time. Saurus just could not believe what he saw with his own eyes. The revellers were quite willing to engage in sexual acts with complete strangers, whom they had never met before or before they had even been introduced.
After a long time all the revellers left in groups, the older ones stooping to pick up their clothes and get dressed before departing. Eventually Saurus, his mind in turmoil, was able to find peace in sleep.
Awaking to the morning sun, he discovered, by the numbers of clothed distant figures in the park, that it was quite well into the morning. He had time to feel the pangs of hunger before a young man in his early twenties, who had been sitting on another park bench further down, approached him.
“Hi,” said the newcomer, “Are you okay. I saw you here yesterday before sundown. You look as if you’ve been here all night! Is everything alright?”
Saurus opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. It felt so long since he had spoken to another individual, even though it could only be a day. He was unable to string together the words, and was shocked by his own impotence. Had his despair so quickly driven him into this uncommunicative stupor. The young man looked on in concern, waiting for a reply. Finally it came.
“I’m alright. Fine. Just been a while that’s all,” he uttered nonsensically. Doubtless his foreign accent did not help to persuade the young man of his good health.
The young man’s searching eyes looked relieved. “Hi, I’m Jasper,” he said in his friendly way, holding out his hand in the time honoured way.
Saurus looked at the young man’s hand. What was this for? He was hardly ready to begin a conversation in his present mood. Being up half the night was not to be recommended. He felt sore in the head and all over his body. He remembered now where he was and what he had seen last night. Some kind of nightmare had played itself out in front of him. Not content with overturning his sense of place in the world by the revelation that Sadar was no longer loyal to the Eastern Federation, his culture and religion, his life had been further overturned by the depraved scene he had witnessed in the park. His place of refuge, the park, had been turned into a place of moral torture. His illusions about America and the West were shattered.
He took the hand, which was offered in friendship. He saw it as America attempting to bridge the gulf which had been revealed between their two cultures. There were reasonable people in America after all. Not all of them were depraved sexual monsters. “Jasper? Pleased to meet you. Forgive me, I had a bad night. I am only just waking up.”
“Have you got somewhere to stay. This bench isn’t the most comfortable place to spend the night. Have you been drinking or taking drugs?”
“No,” Saurus said, alarmed at the suggestion, “I don’t take drugs, and I am not in the habit of drinking alcohol either. I was a bit upset so I needed to get away. That’s all. I am alright. I have an apartment – although I do not want to have to confront what I might find there. That’s all.”
“Do you wanna talk about it? I’m curious,” said Jasper.
“No not just at the moment. I just get a bit upset that’s all.”
“What would you say to a burger or some breakfast?” Jasper asked.
“You want to keep me company?” Saurus was a little taken aback. Did these Americans have nothing better to do than to spend time with strangers? But he was forgetting that Americans had shorter working times than Easterners. They had opted for a different kind of economy in the last hundred years. They had time to waste. He had seen one of the results of that last night in the park here. It was certainly good that they were friendly and generous. He had noted as much in his dealings with Americans so far, but he had been saddened that they seemed to spend little of this time bonus in following constructive paths of behaviour. For example the religious and community groups he and Sadar, and Abdan, had been approaching were hardly flourishing. Most Americans were following other, more individualistic and selfish pastimes, including the ones he had witnessed yesterday. Their ‘bonus’ of free time, it seemed to Saurus, was wasted. They had ended up becoming self centred and lazy. He doubted that many Americans could perform work in any efficient or disciplined way any longer, so used were they to laziness.
This young man, however, seemed honest and friendly. Well, why not? If this Jasper was willing to spend his time talking to him, then he was surely prepared to reciprocate. That was part of his reason for being in this country after all. He was instructed to make contact with Americans, to develop their constructive Eastern friendly groups and organisations, and to use personal persuasion as much as possible to build a better society here. This Jasper seemed to be a good starting point for today, a volunteer in Saurus’ task. He seemed like just the kind of young American Saurus could use in his task.
“You need some breakfast and a good drink of coffee to get you going again,” said Jasper. “Come on. There’s a good diner near here. It will do you good. You can’t stay here on this bench all day as well. Unless you want to go back to your apartment?”
“No,” said Saurus deliberately, “I definitely do not wish to go back to my apartment now. Maybe later I will return, but right now I feel as if I don’t ever want to go back to my apartment.”
“Well then, that’s settled. We’ll go to the diner. I could do with some breakfast myself.”
“You are out early,” remarked Saurus. “Have you been to work, or do you always take an early stroll in the park?”
“I am on my way back from a girlfriend’s apartment. I stayed over last night, but I didn’t want to stay there all morning. I like my own company, so I said goodbye and came out here. I like the early morning, don’t you?”
“Yes of course, although I don’t usually have the time for a walk before work,” replied Saurus. He was disappointed to hear that this kind and friendly younger man was an adulterer, like all the rest, but he supposed it was only to be expected. He refused to allow it to affect his opinion of the young man. Evidently he was not married, but his friendliness in Saurus’s time of despondence was welcome. He could not resist finding out a little more. “You do not live with your girlfriend then?”
“Oh no, of course not,” explained Jasper. “I don’t have one girlfriend, and I like my independence. We get on fine, but I wouldn’t want to live with her.”
Saurus hid his disappointment. Were there any civilised Americans? He began to suspect that there were not. But he suppressed these thoughts. The man was friendly, and that was what counted. He could not expect the Americans, or the Europeans, to conform to the standards of Eastern civilisation.
Jasper led the way through the park. The summer’s day was warm and bright, the sky above the city clear and blue. Lightheaded from the shortage of sleep which he had endured, and stiff from the endurance of the park bench Saurus stumbled his way along the path, between green leaved oaks, cedars and conifers. An early morning jogger, male, muscled and bare chested, ran towards them and responded to Jasper’s ‘Hi’, with one of his own.
A little further up the path a lone female jogger followed the same route. Saurus was startled to see that she also had removed the obligatory ‘T’ shirt, which so many wore here, presumably in order to catch the sun. She was evidently unashamed as she ran towards them without outward sign that she was aware that two males could see her unprotected body. Saurus half expected she would turn into the bushes or go by an alternative path when she noticed them. That was what he would have done if he had been her. But there was no sign she had even considered protecting her privacy as she came towards them. She was indeed a fine specimen of the female race, in body, even if her mind was evidently unpure. Her breasts were not large, but he could not help noticing they were relatively firm and bounced a little in rhythm as she ran.
The mental punishments he had suffered from Americans as he watched their depravity last night returned to him afresh this morning. He averted his gaze to seek the sight of birds in the bushes, before he heard Jasper call ‘hi’ to her also. She returned the greeting, so she was aware of them. She was passed before he turned his head back. Jasper’s ability to greet such an attractive half naked woman, who doubtless was a total stranger to him was amazing to him. Nakedness was more likely to cause apprehension and distance in an Easterner. In his own country such a show by a woman anywhere, except on a beach and wearing a swimsuit, would have been impossible. She would have been reprimanded by the gossip of women and by the disapproval of men.
Before leaving the park Saurus could not help but notice a man and a woman, maturely in their thirties or even forties, leave the path ahead to disappear among the bushes. As he followed Jasper past the place minutes later he heard the unmistakable giggle of a woman, and the heavy breathing of a man. A glance in the direction of the bush revealed nothing, but the sounds were very close to the path. Saurus looked at his watch. It was not yet 8.20 a.m. What were couples doing coming to a park at such an early hour for such private activity?
As they came to a main road at the edge of the park he expected to see the queues of cars on their way to work. At this hour in an Eastern city all would be awake and rushing to their workplaces during a working day. But in Central City there was none of the bustle. Many did not bother to run a car here, as the public transport system of trams, trains and buses was so effective. He had heard that efforts to ban cars during the last century had finally succeeded, and had reduced their number when working practices had been gradually changed. Reduced work for all had meant a relaxation of rush hour congestion and many had found they no longer wanted or needed to run a car.
Jasper showed Saurus where his apartment was. “It’s in that block up there,” he said, pointing up to an attractive modern building, which reminded Saurus of the luxury hotels he had often holidayed in on the beaches of South India, the Gulf, or the shores of Morocco.
Saurus was immediately impressed. The prosperity of this continent was beyond doubt. Its people were well looked after in the material sense, just as his own were. In the historical past many of them in the West, in North America and Europe at least, had been much wealthier than the peoples of the East. But the East had caught up in the last century by hard work and sensible government, by peaceful coexistence between the lands and peoples of the East, and by rejecting the exploitative temptations of doing business with the West of old. But the West had changed too. It was no longer the greedy master continually evolving and growing on the human particles of its machine society. What had happened to the avaricious West of old? It was more benign now, its people more concerned with the wasting of their lives on short lived pleasures of the flesh, on drugs, and the childish repetition of its art forms. He was sure that its economy placed no threat upon the East. The East was happy on its own, its industries developed and secure in their markets. The West showed no desire to invade the economy of the East again, and could not have done, even if the East had dismantled the restrictions and tariffs which had protected it before.
From what he had seen of the people in America, they had little interest in business. Even if the borders of the East were laid wide open to them he doubted any of these lazy people would have lifted themselves from their slumbers to sell or to plan marketing strategies. They were cocooned in their soft existence, and all self motivation was gone. They did not even seem to work any more. The society obviously functioned well. There was plenty and the people lived in good quality housing. He would not have said they were well dressed, but that appeared to be more a matter of choice and taste than lack of clothing. In all the time he had been here he had seen little evidence of people working. There was no ‘rush hour’, as there was in Baghdad or Tehran, Delhi or Karachi, Singapore or Shanghai, in morning or early evening. He had seen no factories at close hand, but there were shops of many kinds. He supposed that he had seen many shop assistants, now he considered the question, but they had seemed to be relaxing in their tasks, taking time to talk to the customers, and hardly rushed off their feet. The shopping madness of the big department stores and the new shopping malls of the eastern cities were a far cry from the casual shopping atmosphere here in this original home of consumerism. People did not rush here. They had time to enjoy the day. They did not even seem to care much about the products. Evidently they were used to them, or had other entertainments on their minds.
“Do you want to see where I live?” asked Jasper. His guide had shown him so many sights of the city, grand public buildings, the busy places where people came together to do the things they liked to do. The question seemed strangely irrelevant after the places the younger man had already shown him. How could someone’s home be of interest after the places and people he had observed today.
“Your home? You want to show me your home?” he said in the broken English of the East. Then, laughing politely, “Why, is that on the ‘tourist agenda’ too.”
“Not normally,” Jasper admitted, “but I thought you might have had enough of the sights by now. I thought maybe you would like to relax for a while. Unless you have had enough and want to return to your own accommodation.”
“Oh no,” exclaimed Saurus, the revulsion of yesterday returning, despite the many sights he had witnessed since then. “That’s the last place I feel like going at the moment.”
“I thought perhaps you would like to find out more about how we live. What better way than to see where I live. I am a typical individual. My flat is quite ordinary, in an ordinary district, but if you haven’t seen the places where people live yet why not come and see it.”
“Well, if you put it like that I will,” agreed Saurus, seeing no reason not to. “I am here to discover more about your ways, and what better way than to enter the home of a native of America. I certainly don’t feel ready to go back to my home at the moment, and I can’t expect you to walk me around every building, and every park of this city centre. Are you sure you want me to continue to accompany you? You must be getting tired of my presence by now. I have taken up too much of your day already. Surely you have other business to attend to. When you wish me to go my own way, please tell me.”
Jasper laughed good humouredly, “I said it before. I am quite enjoying this chance to show a stranger around. If I wanted you to go I would have made my excuses before, for sure. I wouldn’t invite you to see my place if I did not mean what I say.” Indeed he was enjoying his role for the day. The stranger was interesting, and he would enjoy introducing him to some of the fashionable modern perversions of the west, which were obviously so unfamiliar to him.
“You live alone, I understand?” asked Saurus, just to make sure.
“Yes, of course.”
“Why of course?” asked Saurus.
“Well you may not have noticed but most of us in the west live on our own, unless we have children to look after,” explained Jasper.
“Oh, do you? I didn’t realise that!” said Saurus. “ I realise now, of course, that you don’t respect marriage properly. I have seen enough in the last few days to realise that, but I assumed you must live in families. I thought everyone in the world lived in families. I thought you weren’t married, but I assumed you were still looking for a wife.”
“No. I don’t want a wife. I have enough girlfriends anyway. Marriage is still used to show a commitment to raising children, but it no longer commits the partners to living together, and certainly no longer prevents the partners from choosing as many sexual partners as they care to.”
“Do you mean that no one here marries in the way we do in the East?” Saurus asked, surprised at how complete a breakdown of the traditions there had been in the West. He had assumed his observations of sexual excess in the last few days had been merely one of the more ‘liberal’ elements of this society. It came as a shock to him that no one married in the traditional sense any more.”
“Yeah, that’s true. Traditional marriage has been breaking down for a couple of centuries now in the west. Many generations have grown up since that practice was common. Everyone in the west has their own space to live. The people engaged in marriage have shared responsibilities to look after the children so they usually live nearby each other , or in the same apartment or building. The children can live alternately with each parent on a sharing basis or with a particular parent, visiting and having much access to the other parent, or together in the same apartment or building if the parents live together. Sometimes parents remain lovers. Often they don’t, but they are friends. We found it settled the awful arguments and bitterness many marriage partners used to feel towards each other. Nobody owes sexual loyalty to anyone else. We can screw with whoever we like. It means we can enjoy having a few girlfriends and we can always sample strangers from time to time if we like. You see we all have our strategies. Some like to build close relationships which last a long time; others like to drift from lover to lover. The important thing is no one’s life becomes boring or restrained. That is the theory at any rate.”
(To be continued at some stage soon)
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