New Directions part22

By Ed Crane
- 58 reads
Duke Reggie swanned into the kitchen ignoring Karen who stood between him and Dev. ‘Mr. Mullur . . . Dev, I’ve had some rather disturbing news about your tenant, Miss Harrington-Bow. I believe she is in a critical condition in the Royal Berkshire Hospital.’ Dev opened his mouth to reply and was interrupted before he could speak. ‘Could you perhaps enlighten me as to the details of her, um, accident?’
‘It was no accident.’ I half-shouted right into his left ear.
Reggie jerked away and swung round. Indignation melted into a sideways smile. Taking a deep breath he said, ‘Well I rather thought that was the case, but I was actually asking Mr. Mullur for details.’
Resisting an urge to head-butt him I said, ‘Yes, Ok, but I’m a friend of Dev and Miss Celia. I’ve seen the terrible state she’s in.’
‘Quite.’ Returning to face Dev he said, ‘Mr Mullur I’d be grateful if you would kindly explain what happened to Miss Harrington-Bow.
‘Hey,’ I said grabbing his arm.
Karen grabbed my arm. ‘Take it easy, Chuck.’ Fear in her eyes told me to back off. ‘I’m sorry, Sir he’s very worried about Celia.’
‘Of course. We all very concerned I’m sure. Perhaps Mr. Mullur could continue.’
Dev snuck me a knowing smile. ‘I’m afraid Terence is right. Miss Bow is the victim of a vicious armed robbery. She was very badly beaten when she refused to allow one of the perpetrators unlock the door to the cellar where, I believe, she stores a large amount of personal belongings which came from her family home. Fortunately she managed to defend herself with a heavy pan and lock herself in the cellar, but not before she had suffered a terrible beating. She’s lucky to be alive. Terence entered the cottage and tackled two other robbers in the lounge. He managed to frighten them off, but was attacked from behind presumably by the man who attacked Celia – Miss Bow. I was waiting outside, but when I saw the three men rush out of the cottage and drive off I went to see what was going on. Terence met me at the door he was bleeding badly. Together we managed to persuade Miss Bow to come out of the cellar.’
‘Yes, yes I see. Did you actually go into the cellar?’
That was not the question I expected to come out of his mouth and it pissed my right off. ‘Of course we fucking didn’t. We just wanted to get her out of there and into hospital.’ A look of fright crossed his face.
‘Yes yes, of course Mr. um, Terence. I’m sorry. It must have been a terrible shock for you and Dev . . . I was just—‘
‘Nobody has been down into the cellar,’ Dev cut in. ‘We were too busy helping Miss Bow. I believe the police had a quick look inside, but since nothing was disturbed they locked it up. They were more concerned with getting witness accounts and forensic information.’
‘So you have not been in the cellar since?’
‘What is so interesting about the cellar, Sir.’ My hackles rising to an all-time high.
Turning to Dev again, ‘Well perhaps an inventory would be helpful?’
‘Yes, Reginald, but nothing was disturbed, even the police never actually spent any time in there. I’m not sure what purpose an inventory would serve.’
‘It’s not as if she died,’ I added, you’d only need one if she passed away for her estate or whatever.’
‘Miss Bow’s property is in a trust managed by my . . . um . . . well I suppose you are right.’
The duke seemed more interested in the stuff down in the cellar than about the old girl’s condition. I remembered when Celia told me about the trust set up long ago she mentioned the new Duke wasn’t close to her family. I shrugged him off as a cold arrogant aristocratic fish. Even so it didn’t seem right.
‘How did you know about Miss Bow’s “accident”?’ The question popped out without any forethought. It took him by surprise.
‘Oh um I heard something about it from one of our people on the estate.’
‘How did they know?’
Reggie waved his right arm about feigning dismissal. ‘We own much of the land around this village, they probably heard it from one of the residents . . . in the White Lion most likely.’ He chuckled, pleased with his answer. Its vagueness bothered me.
Reggie’s attitude immediately changed. Looking at his watch and twisting to look out of the small window he blustered, ‘Well, um, Dev there doesn’t seem much more to discuss at this point. In fact it was jolly lucky I found you here. I should be going – things to do and all that.’ Holding out his hand he shook Dev’s then mine, almost as an afterthought he gently grasped Karen’s with a polite nod. As he turned to leave he hesitated, ‘Ah, Dev I’ll give some more thought to these cottages,’ he waved an arm in the direction of the adjoining dwellings. If I decide to sell the leases you’ll be the first to know.’
‘Thank you, Sir.’ Dev muttered at the Duke’s exiting back.
‘He seemed nervous all of a sudden.’
‘That’s Reggie, Terence. He’s always like that. Not the easiest person to deal with.’
We all prepared to leave. Dev wished me an enjoyable weekend with Karen and we made a plan to meet up the following Monday afternoon at the hospital to check on Celia’s progress. After locking the cottage Dev gave me and Karen a hug. We watched him while he crossed the green to his car and drove off.
‘Fancy a beer, Chuck?’
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Glad to see another part of
Glad to see another part of this Ed
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