Comes Around (1)
By Hades502
- 547 reads
Comes Around
April 13th
“Good that you wore the sweats,” said Jack.
“Yeah, I don’t feel comfortable with this at all.”
“Relax, it will be fine.”
Aaron didn’t feel that it would be fine at all. The whole idea seemed like a ridiculous fantasy that horny teenagers might come up with out of sheer desperation when they couldn’t think of any other possible way to get their dicks wet. “I don’t know, man.”
“What don’t you know? You ain’t wearing any underwear, right?”
“Nope,” said Aaron, “Full commando.”
“These chicks get wet as fuck when giving lap dances. They’re human, man. They like to fuck too. And, they use their bodies to make money. You’re just giving her a chance to make a little more money, get some dick. Shit, you’re doing her a favor.”
“This feels a little rapey to me.”
“Dude, you think these chicks are all vestal virgins? You think they came here to the strip club straight from church and shit? These bitches know what they are doing.”
“My dick will just pop right in when I pull down my sweats? That doesn’t seem realistic to me.”
“Dude, give it a couple minutes. Give her time to get a little wet. Let yourself get hard. She’ll do a lot of rubbing her ass on your cock. You just have to time it right. Usually they will rub their cootchies on you while facing you at first. You have to make sure she has her panties off. She’ll get up, dance around you, rub her titties all over you face. When she turns around to sit on your lap, not facing you, drop your sweatpants quickly, you might need to grab your dick and aim a bit, but she should be very wet at this point and it should slide right in.”
“Why don’t I just ask her to fuck me for money?”
“That shit’s illegal. She won’t be interested in that—at first.”
“Rape isn’t illegal, huh?”
“Dude, this shit ain’t rape. The girls like it. I’ve done it before. Once it’s in, she might as well let you finish. She’ll be super horny and will decide that she wants the extra money. Don’t give her more than two hundred bucks. It’s a quick thing. Everyone ends up happy. You get laid and she gets paid. She’ll be getting a lot more than just the twenty bucks for the lap dance. These girls dance for money. Why would she turn down more money?”
“Come on man, we can find girls online willing to fuck, why not do that?”
“Duh,” said Jack, “Multiple reasons. Those bitches online are catfishes, you don’t know what she looks like. The pics are always fake as fuck. They will charge you a lot more, always try to upsell their shit. Here at the titty bar, we get to pick what girl we want.”
“Prostitution is legal in Nevada, we can pick there.”
“Dude, you want to drive five hours to Nevada? Those girls are expensive as fuck, like eight hundred bucks or some shit.”
“You want to drive ten hours to fucking TJ for some beaner poontang? Dude, we’re already here. These girls are fucking hot, right?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Aaron said with a sigh.
“Which one you want? I think I’m going for Alexis. She’s kind of top heavy, yeah?” Jack then giggled.
“Satin looks nice.”
“Wow, you like that dark meat, huh?”
“I don’t know, just thought she was pretty.”
“Whatever, man. You got your condom on?”
“Already? No.”
“Get that fucker on. Don’t worry, it should stay on for a little bit when you’re limp if you got the right size. It ain’t lubricated is it?”
“Yeah, it is…so?”
“Goddamn idiot. Look, that shit’s going to collect lint and dirt and shit from inside your sweats. Your pretty little Satin ain’t going to like getting a pussy full of fuzz and dirt and shit.” Jack fumbled through his pocket for something and pulled out a condom and a small tube of what looked like lotion. “Use this one. If you are too much of a pussy to get her wet take this lotion and put it on your dick. You got to be fast though, the extra time it takes gives her the possibility of noticing what the fuck you’re up to.”
“Man, I’m really nervous about this shit.”
“Dude, the worst thing that can happen is she gets upset, says no to the sex, and cancels the lap dance early. These chicks are all on drugs and shit. They don’t want the cops here any more than you do. Go put that shit on in the bathroom. I’m going to request us some private Alexis and Satin action.”
“Fine,” said Aaron. He thought to himself that he could always just not go through with it if everything didn’t feel just right when the time came.
Jack smiled. “Dude, this is going to be fun, the best night of your life. Happy twenty-first birthday, buddy.”
Thirteen minutes later
“So, it’s your birthday, huh baby?” Satin cooed. She was more beautiful up close. Her movements were so damn sexy, her face so beautiful, her voice tiny and angelic.
“Yes, uh…my twenty-first.”
“Happy birthday, sweetie.” She seemed to notice his erection. “Ooh, I should say, happy birthday, big boy.” Satin then slowly grazed the palm of her hand over the tip of his penis and smiled.
“Thank you.” Well, if that was a sign that she would take it, it was a little subtle, but not entirely unnoticed on Aaron’s part.
“You like when I touch it, baby?”
“Yes, very much, thank you.” There was only a curtain separating the tiny lap dance room from the club at large. Motley Crue’s “Girls, Girls, Girls,” was blaring through the speakers, both in the small room and throughout the rest of the building. Aaron assumed that it must be a popular song for strippers, as it was the third time he had heard it that night in as many hours.
“You going to give me a good tip, baby?”
“Sure,” Aaron replied nervously.
“The better the tip, the better the dance. You like when I touch it?”
“I love it, cutie.”
She blew him a kiss, sensually showed him her tongue, allowing it to flicker in and out of her mouth, then grabbed him firmly but comfortably between his legs. “Is that good, baby? You like that?” She then stroked him slowly about three times before turning around and rubbing her buttocks over his lap.
“Yes, I love it.” That was far more than subtle and Aaron decided that she would be up for sex. There was still a lingering doubt in his mind, as he had very little experience in these types of situations.
“You like my pussy, baby?” she said, bending over for him to get a look, slowly moving her body in a sexual motion, gyrating and moaning.
“It’s beautiful,” said Aaron. He decided that if he was going to do it, this was a good time. It had been a good thirty seconds since she had made eye contact with him and he didn’t know how much longer she would not be looking at him. He quickly removed the lotion from his pocket, unscrewed the top, and tried to gently squirt a little into his hand. It was a much thinner substance than he had anticipated and it required much less force than he gave. Almost all of the lotion from the small tube was in his hand, and it began dripping off onto his lap. He decided that it didn’t really matter. More lotion wouldn’t hurt any.
“If you’d like, after you pay and tip for this dance, we can do another one. If your tip is good, we can see what mischief we can get into for the next song, baby.” She backed up into him, her calves resting against his shins and bent over slightly, wiggling her butt.
She was oh so close, her vagina within mere inches of his penis. Now was the time, he decided. “Yeah…um…okay…sure…uh…maybe,” he sputtered nervously. He quickly put his hands to his sides, partially making a fist with his right hand and spilling most of the lotion onto the chair and the floor. Then he slightly pushed up with his legs and in a swift motion pulled his sweatpants down to his knees, slightly catching his erection as he went and causing it to pull forward, then slap back onto his belly.
Maybe it was his voice, the tensing up of his body, the slap of his cock, or the feel of his pants on the back of her legs, but whatever caused it, she immediately froze. “Baby, what you—“
She was right there. He imagined he could feel the heat between her legs on his member. He slathered it up then held it at the base of the shaft to aim. Unfortunately, she didn’t continue back, but instead started to get up. Thinking quickly, or perhaps not thinking at all, he reached out around her with his left arm, and pulled her back down on top of him. She gave absolutely no resistance at all, causing him to pull her back with much more force than he had anticipated. He felt the warm wet constriction around his penis as it slid in. He thought he was a pretty good aim.
He didn’t expect it at all when she let out a shrill and terrified scream.
“So, since we’ve gone this far, uh…can we—“
“Did you just shove your dick in my ass?”
“Oh, I thought it was your pussy. Sorry.”
She immediately screamed again and began slapping him awkwardly with one hand and punching with the other. She was still facing forward and was doing very little damage with tiny arms, no coordination, no build up, until she reverted to attempting to scratch his face. The pain snapped him to attention. He realized that he was still holding her with his left arm and let go. She jumped up and immediately yelled, “Steve!”
“Oh, wait, wait, we can talk about this right?” He felt ridiculous and vulnerable. Looking down at his exposed penis, he noticed a brown and white film covering it, an additional layer above the condom. Slightly perplexed, he wasn’t comprehending why it looked that way until he realized the white was obviously remnants of the lotion. The brown? Oh. Then he noticed red. “Oh shit.” Blood.
“Steve! We have a fucking rapist in here!”
“Wait! No. No, no, no. I’m sorry.” He assumed Steve was one of the bouncers.
At that moment, Steve came rushing into the small room. “What’s going on?” he asked.
“This motherfucker forced his dick into me.”
“Hey, hey, it was a misunderstanding. I’m so sorry.”
Steve was not a small man in any respect, compared to Aaron’s relatively tiny frame. He didn’t look like he believed or cared that Aaron claimed to be sorry. Steve also didn’t look very happy. “You’re not half as sorry as you’re going to be.”
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Blimey. Erotica shenanigans.
Blimey. Erotica shenanigans and accusations of rape. Onto the next parts..
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