Home Read Write Forums Blogs Larry and Mick Wonder Who Left the Tap On By pepsoidSat, 10 Apr 2021 376 reads "Was it you?," said Larry. "Nope," said Mick. "Was it you?" "Nope," said Larry. "Maybe it was the cat." "Don't be ridiculous," said Mick. But they both wondered. [ fin ] Certificate UStoryTales of Larry and MickHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Larry and Mick Wonder Who Left the Tap On By pepsoidSat, 10 Apr 2021 376 reads "Was it you?," said Larry. "Nope," said Mick. "Was it you?" "Nope," said Larry. "Maybe it was the cat." "Don't be ridiculous," said Mick. But they both wondered. [ fin ] Certificate UStoryTales of Larry and MickHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments