Argibel The Orc : The Bitter Romantic Chapter 4

By Kurt Rellians
- 760 reads
There had been a raid on a settlement of man. Many things were brought back to the cave, among them things of thin paper, bound together. He had heard that men, and elves, scratched onto the surface of these papers, symbols that were meaningful to them. They set marks depicting what they had seen or measures of goods on them. He understood they could send messages to each other by these papers, where orcs could only send messages by speech. The elf woman Calenda became attentive when she saw what had been captured. She implored me in her simple pronunciation of our language to save some of these bound papers for her to look at. Why should I, a strong orc, follow the ‘orders’ of a prisoner, especially one of the hated elves. Nonetheless I was curious to see these papers up close and see how our enemies communicated. I wanted also to keep my prisoner contented so she would be compliant when I chose to use her. For these reasons I claimed as part of my prize some of those ‘books’, as I later learned they are called.
Calenda was very grateful when I brought them to her, and some of the ‘pens’ and ‘ink’ we found with them. Immediately she actually wanted to express her gratitude to me by offering herself voluntarily to me. She unbuttoned her tunic and caught my hand, bringing it into her tunic and easing under her blouse to her breasts. She smiled and encouraged me to feel her breasts. I could not act on her invitation immediately because there were other orcs in the cave not far away and Gruby was near the mouth of the cave. She was more dutiful after I had punished her for trying to poison my prisoner. She knew my anger and the importance with which I regarded Calenda the elf. She now seemed to accept that the elfwoman was my captive, and mine to do with as I pleased. She would not be jealous, but would allow me to take her when I wanted, although she would not have been too happy if I had molested the prisoner in front of her. I had taken to taking the elfwoman into the woods or into some more distant caves when I wanted to use her. Calenda did not resist when I took her. She seemed to understand that my desire for her was keeping her alive, and winning me over to helping her with the small considerations that could make her life easier.
She was now happy enough to let me prod her, and I even thought she was enjoying my invasions of her. After the first few fuckings, when she hated and feared what I was doing, she began to help me more, to let me do it to her. I thought at first she was just wanting to help me to cum quickly so we could go back to the cave and I would leave her alone, but after a few sessions she began to cum herself. My cock was buried deep inside her, and she was on all fours facing a big tree. I was getting quite forceful as my arousal was strong. I could feel the feeling building, feeling passions which were very strong for the elfwoman. I was just thinking how fantastic this was, and vowing never to let this elfwoman go, because she was the best female I ever had. I could not imagine anything better. I was about to squirt my seed into her when I felt a change in her. She pushed back on me, no longer passive, and she breathed like an orcwoman would, panting. I could sense her tension. I never before thought an orc could satisfy an elf lady. I knew they thought us all ugly, and detested us, but I sensed this one was gaining pleasure from my prodding. If she did not wish to look at me, at least she was gaining pleasure from my strong fucking. In intense excitement she panted and suddenly warm wet juices were all around my cock. I fucked her swiftly and my seed squirted to mix with hers. I felt sudden disappointment that I had spent my load so quickly. I wanted to continue my pumping of her beautiful slender body. But I was also very pleased. I had mastered my prisoner, in a way I had not expected to be able to do. I cared not for her pleasure, but the fact that I had been able to make her cum, and so heavily, gave me great pleasure. There was more than hope, that an elf could achieve pleasure from the actions of a humble and ugly orc. I had proved it. This opened a new world for me. I would experiment further with her. I would find out what worked and what did not. I might make her beg me for sex and look at me with hungry eyes. She, an elf, would look up to me for a change, and we would fuck more frequently now. I felt a new chapter was beginning for me.
And it did. With Calenda the elf Argibel the orc enjoyed many a fuck and she came to like what he did to her, and to get what pleasure she could from his rough invasions. He caused her to take him in many positions, many unknown to Orcs, but taught to him by the elf, possibly so that she could enjoy the acts more, but he received much pleasure from all these variations, not least because he an Orc had persuaded an elf, one of the race who thought itself so superior, to give to, and to receive pleasure from an Orc.
The elf woman Calenda tried to teach Argibel to read, but soon found orcs have insufficient patience, although they do have sufficient intelligence if they tried. She told him stories occasionally from the elf world, in the common language which he could understand. She tried to explain who her people were. She explained that Elves love the arts and culture. They have lived so long that they appreciate the best things in life. When they are young and immature they behave more selfishly, like men. Maturity brings ‘nobility’ and selflessness, and the appreciation of good things, the more years the better. They love life and see its richness. In Imladris (Rivendell) some Elves are collectors and artists, writers, with hobbies which consume much of their time. Many others live more simply for their race, their friendships, their romantic liaisons, the adventures of life and are always ready to right wrongs.
Imladris was a fortress, she explained, where elves could gather to defend themselves, whenever the armies of orcs or men, or even other elves, when this has been necessary, have tried to take the valley and the mountains for themselves. Or when the armies of those enemies have tried to purge the lands of middle earth of the elvish race forever. Imladris was also a centre for the high elves, a gathering point where they come to discuss questions of importance, to meet relatives, to find new partners in life, or just friends. It was the seat and court of the leaders of the grey or high elves. As most elves appear to live for as long as chance and circumstance may allow before their passing to the west the same natural leaders have led the high elves for as long as most of them can remember, noble by birth and inheritance, but also by long endurance, age old responsibility, selfless love for their people and those other creatures of the world for whom they also feel a responsibility. In more simple terms she explained to him that it was like a hotel, for the sick and weak, the vibrant and merry, the wise and studious. For every elf there was the peace or vitality here that he or she required.
Argibel was quite charmed by Calenda’s confidence in him and he began to forget that she was his prisoner and not really here of her own free will. He imagined he would learn more from her and that his sexual pleasures would grow as the months turned into years. But alas it was not to be.
Eventually she escaped when he was on a campaign for the Dark Lord. He had reached an understanding with her, but she still slipped away when she had the chance. She returned to Imladris lucky to have kept her life, but full of experiences which perhaps enriched her life in the end. She wrote poetry to tell her story, and a novel of her adventure. Argibel was angry and upset. He could not reconcile to his loss. The life of an orc is not good and for a while he had something better even than he deserved.
At first he took it out on everyone around him. One comrade told him he should have killed the Elf while he had the chance. He did not agree with that suggestion, despite his anger at Calenda’s betrayal. Even now at the height of his anger he did not feel like vengeance. He took his anger on his comrade and pushed him on the ground. Luckily his comrade did not push it any further. He was angry and unfriendly with his sons, and forced Gruby to submit to him one night when she did not want him to. But he was unable to find any pleasure in the act, lacking the desire he had had for the Elf, and missing even the acceptance he had been able to find from Calenda..
He did come to terms with the loss of Calenda the Elf eventually. He always carried the loss of her, but he was able to see the world of middle earth differently. He knew that when he next caught an elf he would probably try to imprison the elf again if it was female and enjoy her in the same way as Calenda, and hope she would come to appreciate him like he remained convinced Calenda did. But even if he caught a male Elf he thought it had changed him. No longer would he be quick and desperate to kill. Of course in battle there would be no choice and he must protect his fellow orcs and do the Dark Lord’s bidding, but he realised if he could he might just be merciful. He might talk to that Elf and see if he knew Calenda, and ask whether there was any news of her. And then he would allow the elf to go home as long as he brought no immediate dangers to Argibel’s cave.
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I'm so glad Calenda managed
I'm so glad Calenda managed to escape. I like the way she bided her time and was clever enough to use her charms.
I like a happy ending...well at least for the Elf.
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