

Things that go bump in the night.


...add my breakdown to your waiting list.


a night in after a night out


Unwanted Memories of Aga's grave

Ode to the mobile

a truthful insight into the meaning of the mobile phone in our lives and as a poet

Coming of Age

An abused woman accepts her body and worth.

Liquid Atmosphere

A night out with the lads.

Where's The D.J.

Night Fever Out Clubbing.

Jimmy Bailey

With thanks to;- She Had To Go And Lose It At The Astor

One Less Friend

The Big Question - Why.

By the river

a fishing trip with a difference

Girl Next Door (The)

Lust driven pubescant madness.

Night Driving

Posing on four wheels.


I left the hearty seconds of my ex-bedroom be. If you'd kindly take notice, I've saved you a snack from Chernobyl. Creaming with fallout and sweet...

Room: First Fumblings

I am pushing and cracking and crinkling and ripping. Underneath what I'm trying to accomplish is this tearing that doesn't seem to extract from the...

Eggs and sperm (mostly sperm)

you have balls, as I put it, returning laboured from work too late because you took the wrong road and had to backtrack, my burlap baby you are cheap...

Holding on by a hand

Actually, who do I know but the person weeding deep in the woods pawing at melancholy dirt old dry dirt dirt in search of a pagan wiccan explosion of...

Alternative Lifestyles

pallid, meek used to myself in supposition my feet are bare and make the greatest sense hobnobbing with tundra; the little flows in my wintered shelf...


I told the brass knockers off Knock it off and into a light, frameless cloud a gracious deepness I immerse myself In there, I can't exude. The...

Seizure of your insult today

pared - the shaped schedules of manual beeps and clicks on your rigid and glued hair strands why not hand me a dagger a slice of the skin on your...
