
Come speak to me of consecration

Come speak to me of consecration Damn your verbal masturbation Cease this senseless desecration Prove you're worthy of the nation Such a sick...

Birthday Present

What it looks like in the desert

Argus Yawned

How it all really ended

A Fifteen-Year-Old Dream

One of these days I'm going to kill everybody in the world, she thought, as she sat there on the step outside the front door. She was bored, with a...

Suicide Memories

I look round the room There's a window for jumping A glass can be smashed And then used for cutting There's a box full of pills I've carefully...


for an old flame..that never was


for an old flame..that never was

Queue = man on the bus

so hard whether man or woman

Just beneath

my favourite place


Swan Hunters' proud men and their ships


In memory my son: briefest of joys, our life together


Peter has a rabbit called Rupert. His sister, Susie, has a new boyfriend who is coming for tea.

The Blue Room

Mood writing inspired by the classical piece with the same title - as part of a sixth form assignment way back in the day.

You'll need much more...

something deeper,more than this the twists and turns of life you miss empty words meaningless steps

Spanish Guitar

A story inspired by Arleen, the gorgeous girl in school whom I love...

Drawing upon Reflection

At the cafe On that particular day In the downstairs of an afternoon Redundant hopes Were loitering behind eyelids Heavy with thought (A weight once...


Outside Nightclouds are low And a shutout wind incessantly mourns. A single bulb desperately aids My halting wakefulness Making gum glisten As I seal...

Hotel Breakfast

Toastcrumbs dark and pinpoint sharp Across a linen universe Map distant constellations. A numb, semi-ceremonial silence Is periodically stabbed By...


Lucy sees her paddling pool at the bottom of the garden. She asks her mother why the pool is out&;#0

After the Prom

THE night
