An Unexpected Result
By luigi_pagano
- 1985 reads
He was exceptionally bright and brainy
but he had a physique that was puny;
perhaps he was too small to consider
accepting a place from some Uni.
He’d a string of straight As at A level;
(best results of his school’s sixth form)
good enough to satisfy requirements,
well above and beyond the norm.
He ummed and ahed and finally agreed
he would opt for Cambridge or Oxford
and with the help of a big scholarship
it was something he could easily afford.
So he packed and went on his way
to embark on an adventurous long trip.
Due to his minuscule anatomical frame
the bullies thought that he was a drip.
It was his ambition that one fine day
he would wear a mortar and gown,
then knocked out five of those goons
and he was disgracefully sent down.
© Luigi Pagano 2015
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Interesting dénouement...
Interesting dénouement... fate can be a bi*ch
Nice poem, though!!!
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Oh, the ending was such a
Oh, the ending was such a disappoinment! I think I was wanting him to succeed, with his small frame, and get the better of the bullies in some clever way! Clever rhyming scheme again, and an enjoyable read. Rhiannon
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This has a nice comedic
This has a nice comedic rhythm and tone to it.
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I was disappointed, too - but
I was disappointed, too - but it was an unexpected result in a twist that came right at the end and worked well.
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I really liked this. The
I really liked this. The best laid plans, and so forth. And interesting dilemmas as outlined in your answer to Rhiannon. I would say he'll be OK as long as he regards it as a lesson learned and not an opportunity lost.
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