The Big Questions of the early 21st Century (or 2023/24 to be more exact!) by Alfred N.Muggins, Reporter, Distant Observer, and Civilian Adjudicator!

By David Kirtley
Mon, 29 Jan 2024
- 551 reads
- Do the Israelis still recognize the white flag of surrender, or truce?
- Does Donald Trump still believe in Democracy or would he be a Tyrant, (as in the fine traditions of Ancient Greece) next time, if he won the next Presidential Election?
- Has Liz Truss ever studied A Level Economics?
- Can ex Prime Minister Boris (Johnson) actually walk on water?
- What would it take for the UK government (or indeed the Americans themselves?) to do some air strikes for the benefit and protection of the Palestinian population of Gaza, due to be starved by their Israeli guardians? (or indeed for the benefit or protection of the Palestinians of the West Bank and East Jerusalem?)
- Would Palestine need to have one of its oil tankers attacked by Israel before they might consider a defensive strike?
- What tribe of humanitarians (sorry for the typo, I meant humans!) does Benjamin Netanyahoo belong to?
- Perhaps Benjamin Netanyahoo can actually walk on water, thanks to the Americans’ support? Is this actually so?
- Will Vladimir Adolph Putin ever stop coveting other people’s land?
- And, further to the last question, is this one of the 10 Commandments? : ‘Thou shalt not covet other people’s land’?
- NB. We still do not have the answers to all of these questions, but there are many who are beginning to guess for themselves!
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1 User voted this as great feedback
I don't know the answer to
I don't know the answer to those questions other than that number 3 is a resounding 'no'. Good to see rogue reporter Alfred Muggins back and asking the questions where others fear to tread.
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1 User voted this as great feedback
Love the 1-10 (Q?) points Dave
As a Poli-Sci grad... I would love to use that in a open debate forum... well done*
(4sure provoking a smok'n hot discourse in these times)
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