
Uncommon mistakes and a way to pass the time at5am

human folly. an obession with sound. how far removed from serenity must one be to experience it&;#063

How Modern

a poem about human destruction and the fear of not progressing.

Circle of Fate

Stuck in a endless circle, A Celtic knot of sorts, Where attitude determines fate, Yet situations complicate. When attitude is based on events,...

The Gladiator

Speed poem

My Selfishness

My head stupidly ruled my heart

My Love

You know God brought us together. Through favoured winds Lifted us clear of the blue So that we too, might feel the truth Of the mirror. So don't...

Newborough Beach ? Summer 2002

No I won't forget this day This luminous day We stepped into the Golden West When it seemed for the width Of an afternoon We might lay all our fears...

B) Man and Deer

MAN AND DEER I go sticking for kindling most nights in this wood each step I take a cacophony of snapping brittle branch and twig and crunch of...

The Gamekeeper

Over the field he comes Arrogance slung like his gun. Implicitly it's understood His right to kill The small things of the wood. Now you unschooled...


It could have been you

Z - 2moros WRLD

2moros Wrld 2moros Wrld wll B so mch btr, coz we wnt evn hav 2 thnk, we can save tht 4 l8r wen we R scarcely @ da brink of undrstndng thngs wich R so...

Icon Eyes

Down through the years Your lens looks out for us. We are all weary lambs And the light leads us home. To forgo this feigned indifference Full circle...

He Knew Not of His Purpose

He Knew not of his Purpose He knew not of his purpose, Yet many others did. They could see his inner beauty And the feelings that he hid. The talents...


I wonder if this is what went through his head when he tore my heart apart.

She's a bitch!

In another bit of Shadow's story, she meets one of Grant's exes, Terri...

There is a solution

ranting extract from a ranting novel


no-one wants you

Rigel Prime

It's been a while! Short story set in future Manchester/Kenya

Bye sweet love

So cold

Roaring Forties

Breathe easy now, stop your tears For the ocean has fulfilled its promise. Only yesterday life's full stops Fell like rocks in the road Today you've...
