By Ewan
- 2938 reads
Charming eccentricity
morphs into frothing madness
through the prism of politics.
Each vote polarises more.
From the foolishness of Boaty Mac
via flirtation with Farage
to the referendumb.
Lowest common denominator
“They won’t understand the arguments,
we’ll just give them slogans
and we’ll put them on buses!
Let’s show it to everyone
seven times: lucky seven
means they’ll buy!
They call us Brexiteers
but we are marketeers,
marketing for all we are worth
though the voters may not think that much.”
Bojo the Clown as ringmaster?
It has a certain, dissonant ring,
of course.
As cousin Trumpo offers us
the chance to imitate
their worst.
We do.
We complain
“We did not cross the box
for this buffoon, this loon
was chosen by the true blue
in the face, reactionary
hordes in Rotary, Oddfellow
W.I and Freemasonic meetings”.
But we did,
when we did not
cross any box.
When we said,
“What’s the point?
Not another fucking election!”
When we behaved like Brenda
and marked registration forms
“return to sender”.
As we have sown
so shall we reap.
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Exactly. Although living in
Exactly. Although living in Bristol I feel a bit protective towards Brenda because politicians have turned people off. But I wish our history was taught louder, how all our peasant ancestors weren't allowed to vote and it took hundreds of years of fighting to get that right. I enjoyed this a lot .
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On the button
That line 'the voters may not think that much' is depressingly true. It's what explains the success of dishonest showmen like Johnson and Trump in politics.
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I'm not sure people didn't
I'm not sure people didn't think about their vote (assuming they bothered to vote). For me it's a case of people on both sides seeing what they wanted to see - people who smugly assumed it was unthinkable that the country would vote to leave, and people who assumed that politicians would not out and out lie to them. Now neither side knows what the fuck to do to stop any of the nonsense, and we shrug at politicians' lies, pausing only to giggle if they're outrageous enough.
We really have brought it on ourselves.
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The Brexiteers complain about overpaid corrupt MEPs in Brussels
yet they embrace a deal with Trump. He practically invented the C word.
You're right they didn't and still don't think, but then, it seems nobody is thinking these days.
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