John's Conscience

By skinner_jennifer
- 1191 reads
Rolling fields edged with brier where shepherd John observes his flock, he relishes in beauty of landscape's magnitude, desperately holding on to dreams of another spring and summer.
John's in his sixties now and finding it harder to work his huge open space, though he's grown with the land from a young lad, thoughts of parting with some acres for development...even though he's been offered a substantial amount of money, lay heavily on his conscience as to whether to sell.
All humans harbour money worries at some point in life, but to ignore the fragility of earth's natural resources, where clean air is beneficial to the environment is worth more than a pot of gold.
Being a nature lover, John thinks about the many winters bringing snow deep crisp and even, where creatures hibernate in peace, bees in summer entranced by the wild flowers that he'd sown on meadow land he'd created.
Creeping roots in fertile soil that banked the stream down in his brook, where his sheep were free to drink, their thin lips “baa!” for little spring lambs, and all are safe.
Some people search for fortunes, not caring what they destroy in the process, or consider what went before, just having eyes on profits they can make.
How lovely! Thinks John, it would be to remain satisfied living without greed, finding pleasure in exploration that clears mind of all unnecessary thoughts, to be happy with beauty one already has, not trying to change what already works, just because you have the money to do so.
Now astounded that he ever considered parting with land, deciding to make alternative arragements with the help of his elder son, his day dreaming paid off. He would tell the developers tomorrow that the acres would not be for sale.
Photo is my own.
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hurrah for John's conscience!
hurrah for John's conscience! If only everyone could be a bit more like him. Thank you for this piece Jenny
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Sometimes there can be
Sometimes there can be knotty problems, even when it isn't greed beckoning, but glad he could reach such a conclusion! There does seem to be a bit more thought about where and how development of green land for other uses is being considered. May it continue. Rhiannon
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More Johns
Nice one Jenny!
Your first two paragraphs could be about me, apart from the 'offered a substantial amount of money' bit.
But fair play to that man John! The world needs more Johns.
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Glad you put in that PS,
Glad you put in that PS, Jenny. I realised yesterday I hadn't asked you how things were progressing. Lovely to hear your relief and enjoyment. Rh
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Hip op hooray!
Those words 'new lease of life' are music to my ears. I'm delighted for you Jenny.
I'm also delighted that you and your neighbours didn't give in to the developers. I remember when I first found out about the existence of land banks, where organisations like property developers and retail chains buy up land that they often have little intention of putting to any use but simply want to stop their rivals getting hold of it. Such unacceptable greed disgusts me.
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He's made the right choice,
He's made the right choice, some things cannot be bought and cannot be replaced or undone. John's choice is the unusual one, most would be seduced by large amounts of cash. He must be a strong man who can now sleep well at night. Lovely piece, Jenny.
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Well done to you and your
Well done to you and your neighbours Jenny - this is happening everywhere and it's so sad!
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So glad to hear you're
So glad to hear you're feeling a lot better, Jenny. This was a delight to read. Hooray for John! As others have said, we need more like him.
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Loved the ending, Jenny.
Loved the ending, Jenny.
A message for our time. Environment over greed.
If everyone followed this mantra, the world would be a much better place!
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