

A close relative last week, suddenly had very bad toothache. He wanted his tooth to be taken out. I rang his dentist, and was told, “The last time he...

Definitely Maybe.

Heard some very good news this week. I was later at work in the office with my manager and his manager. I said to my manager, “Oasis is getting back...

What Is It Like To Have A Dad?

I love that Boots advert, where the Dad, cleans his glasses, puts them on, then his daughter joins him in the car. Her Dad quickly looks her up and...

Never Enough?

Am I envious of those who seem to have more (don’t know what ways they maybe using it for the helping of others more needy than me, nor what their...

Dancing In The Dark.

Years ago, Meghan and I watched Dating In The Dark, it was rubbish, but Meghan loved it back then. I have noticed, that sometimes if I hear a song on...

Wisdom in foolishness

Wisdom in foolishness At my Alma-mater as her hostel boarder over five years collected I illuminating souvenirs imparting in life teachings, awesome...

My Greatest Fear.

Meghan our daughter bought us a dishwasher many years ago, and I love it, as I hate washing up. Before we had the dishwasher, Paul was the dishwasher...

Christ’s glory on the mount, and afterwards

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] They saw his glory – brilliant bright, and soon all will behold the sight. Before that time, the sun must...


There are two types of people in this world. I am one, my Husband is another. Last week Tuesday when I went to visit my Mum, many miles away, it wasn...


This week I saw something different; I hadn’t ever seen this before. We have six cats. We have a man near to us, he has pigeons. About once a month,...