Say goodbye to USA
By smokejack
- 124 reads
Musk is a rusk dipped on toilet water
A billionaire we're told
Imagine all the good that one person could do
For so many folks
But no not Mr Musk
He doesn't care who chokes
As his mountain of money creeps higher
Most of it not self made
There were loans and deals and childsh sqeals
As othere magnates come calling
Like starving vultures they pick America apart
Knowing democracy is falling
Trump, is a long jump away from reality
He's an alien on this earth
An orange faced creep who never thinks deep
Unless the topic is money he's never been funny
You can see the strings on his back
Dangled by Oligarchs
Who want a smaller world
With no one but themselves alive
Where they can bathe in their stolen worth
And convince themseves that a scorched earth
Is a new dawn paving the way to an inbred paradise
And if God was to visit this new land
He would probably say Jesus F***ing Christ
How did it get to this.
Well according to Donald
God sent a great liar to rule
I'll leave it there said the ghost to the fool.
(c) JMN 2025
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Love that last line ...
Love that last line ... brilliant ending.
I just don't get it, when is this evil going to be dealt with? So many people love him, but he's a convicted criminal. From what we see outside, it's inconceivable, and we're left scratching our heads at his power over the people.
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Just read your poem Smokejack
Just read your poem Smokejack. You said everything I feel, couldn't have put it better myself.
Don't understand what's happening to the world today.
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Great poem! It starts a bit
Great poem! It starts a bit tongue in cheek, and then gets swiftly to the core of this chaos. What are these rich oligarchs going to do with all the money they rip off people and out of the government? Why don't they want the world to be a better place? And why do the American electorate and politicians let them get away with it? Will there be a reckoning or do they, and we, just let them get away with it?
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Splendid stuff. The entire
Splendid stuff. The entire world seems to have gone completely mad. What joy will the oligarchs get when they really are the only ones left and there's no-one to admire them from afar and buy their stuff? Because exerting power and rubbing the plebians' noses in it is what really stirs their little loins.
And yes, that last line is brilliant.
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;) I'm waiting for the next....
Podcast interview when he gets high on his own supply of designer GMO weed & a dose of Ketamine w/ the sugared quad-shot Starbucks espresso ...... Then he starts to confess stuff in tangents, nervous- twitches, stock volume goes thin but stays artificially high, the leaks of bonds & security back debt more & more, drip by drip, into public & foreign markets..... (no one wants to start a panic sell off , yet)....
Longevity - Extended:
A direct investment in a pair knee-pads for those private Resolute Desk meetings could possibly delay the Hedge Funds short selling thesis...
Well done Jack*
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