
Touching On Venus

TOUCHING ON VENUS Ever since I was a little girl I always thought when people die they became stars in the sky. When the stars twinkled it meant they were waving to you. My Nan died when I was very young and my Mum always had us believe that the brightest star in the sky was our Nan, the star which was all on its own with no other visible star around it. We were told the star was on its own so we could find her easily. At the time I didn't realise the star my Mum was associating Nan with was Venus. So many times I can remember being in my parent's car and waving out of the back window at the star we called Nannies star only to find the people in the car behind us waving. Of course they thought we were waving to them, but they didn't know about my star, the true object I was waving to. So many times I can remember being in my bedroom at night and looking up at the star, I would sometimes fall asleep at the window sill until my parents found me and put me back to bed. Seeing the star or should I say Venus in the sky used to always fill us with happiness and laughter. The star did not stop twinkling and we used to complain of our arms aching for all of the waving we did. In our child innocence we used to ask the star to stop twinkling so we could stop waving. When the star didn't stop twinkling so we would laugh as we thought we were being wound up. I know I am still calling it a star but this is what I always believed it to be. Now that I'm older I still follow the star. I often find myself talking to the star. If I'm out walking alone I follow the star home like the three wise men followed their star to Bethlehem and I know that anytime I need reassurance or just company I know my star will always be there. All I have to do is reach out my hand and begin touching on Venus and my Nan will respond. There I called the star by its true name Venus. But no matter what the star is called, to me it will always be my Nanny and no planet. Just my Nan. If I spent the rest of my life not believing in something I once did. I would not believe in what I believed in today. And that is the people we miss so much still being with us when we need it the most before and after death. Touching on Venus is what I will do until I become a star myself.

Very very scared

You have said you like me I am so scared. I have been hurt before Am I realy prepared? You seem so perfect. In every way. But I fall to quickly. I...


For New year

Quietly Remorseful Dove

Thanks to Dad for the title, and Emma for the inspiration. Quite apt now, in a sinister way.

Who's a good doggie&;#063;

"Look at that beautiful sunshine! And only last night we 'ad that Susannah Charlton saying 'ow it was going to bucket down all day. Just goes to show...


Deserts have long been a source of inspiration.

Off the rails&;#063;

As if travelling by rail in the UK weren't nightmarish enough!

Night forests

A tropical jungle is both sinister and soothing.

Island gloaming

Coping with loneliness on a desert island.


We all dream of escape at times. Not all of us seek it by climbing a crane.

Evening sky, dawn sea.

The philosophical thoughts inspired by a painting.


An excellent visual imagination is a mixed blessing.

First Love

My first childhood sweetheart fondly remembered

U: In amongst these red corridors

Old style epic poem riddled with idiotic imagery

Moving On

For the boy moving on did not mean for the better.

Moving On

For the boy moving on did not mean for the better.


Under a metal sky in this steeltown the crowds shuffle past eyes down. Bleak and forbidding December once more wears her rags. He crouches alone...

Gift of knife.

The scars they leave behind.


Flame, Like a leopard Like a knife Like a killer Like a life Like a dancer Like a stone Like a statue Flame, Like a rabbit Like a death Like a beauty...
