Historical Fiction

Gold cherry

At the Moment - Chapter 1

You know that feeling when you wake up from a dream so vivid that you lived it? You created it right there in your memory. It is part of your life...

Alaric's Treasure

(One from my archive) - The sack of Rome on 24 August 410 AD was undertaken by the Visigoths led by their king, Alaric.

Hamas’ Own Masada! By rogue reporter Alfred N.Muggins

19/10/23 (17/11/23) Where have the other Arab and muslim states been? Where have the European States been. Only a few years before they all chastised...

Murmuration - Chapter 21 (Part 1) 1992

“DJ Sasha!!” Manny is screaming as a large and expanding group of us walk towards the Escape club opposite the pier roundabout. “Come on 24-hour party people”, he continues “DJ Sasha in the area!”. Katie wraps her arm around me and pulls herself into me, holding me tight, The night seems light and open under the full moon. I look at her and smile, still lost in my thoughts about tonight's gig. It feels like something important happened tonight. I can’t quite put my finger on it.

Civilians In War

20/10/23 Of course civilians should be allowed to have the necessities, and the wounded and injured. Those are supposed to be the modern rules of war...