Certificate U

Suitable for all

Seven Sense

“Seven Sense” Your lyrics sway the beat of my heart in stillness: with every rising tone, serenade; my Solace.

More Aberdeen Voices

(A brief history in haiku part 2) (1800) A long time ago The main street was constructed A mile of granite (1900) Shops on all sides Still thriving...

Easter In The Holy Land by Alfred N.Muggins

31/3/24 The Holy Land has so many holes in it! How can it be Holy now? Do Israelis try to follow the Ten Commandments too? Thou shalt not Kill! Are...

I Have Let Myself Get Too Lonely...Again

No need to worry or offer advice. I have processed and shed the tears until I laughed out loud. I know that it is key to notice, and occasionally...

A Sort of Meditation

A Sort of Meditation An invitation to meditation: Laying still as a stone. This oneness connects to universal soothe. Where the center achieves...

Love Thy Neighbour.

Ukraine has been in the news for years now, at one point it was headline news every day, like that was the only war on in the world. There were lots...
Gold cherry

In This Garden

In this garden they hid the truth. A lie behind the tulips, their dirty secrets buried beneath truer dirt than theirs. How they piled up the earth,...
Gold cherry

Getting Older Sucks...

…but it’s better than the alternative. This morning’s snail mail was an advert, with vouchers, for Tena lady pants and an advert from the...

Wild weeding

Wildflower spatterings of small dainty flowers – mauve, orange, yellow, blue – dappled and soft; but oh, how they grow, spread, how quickly they...