October robin

By Di_Hard
- 4431 reads
cold air's become a glitter ball
with falling leaves its swirling lights
as trees dance round their disco hall
in fearful thrill of frosty nights
now sadness shimmers like an ache
so beautiful it makes me cry
and from complacent dulllness wake
as robin's song shatters dark sky
allowing Heaven through a crack
to show a path for coming back
this was inspired by Onemorething's ethereal Morning : https://www.abctales.com/story/onemorething/morning-0
and the dancing brightness in Angusfolklore's Autumn Things :
Also all the wonderful and much superior ryhmes of Luigi and Rhiannon!
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This is beautiful di - thank
This is beautiful di - thank you. I have a robin in my garden - I think he must be a juvenile as his red breast has got redder and redder each week since the summer. He's such a show off about it! They're supposed to be such a muderous, aggressive bird, but I find that very hard to believe, don't you?
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This is beautiful, Di! and
This is beautiful, Di! and the simple unobtrusive rhythm and rhyme making a simple flow of the words! Rhiannon
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Love the idea of the October
Love the idea of the October Robin Di, such a curious little bird that's not afraid to venture close to humans.
There's a feeling of drama in this poem that is both optimistic, yet fragile too.
Very significant for Autumn and the Winter to come.
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This is our Poem of the Week
This is our Poem of the Week - Congratulations!
It's also our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day
Please share/retweet if you enjoyed it as much as I did
Picture Credit: https://tinyurl.com/eywhr7xa
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This is so lovely, Di. The
This is so lovely, Di. The image of the path back is really one to treasure.
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Huge congratulations, Di.
Huge congratulations, Di.
What pleased me most about this poem was not only its superb quality but that it RHYMED!
Well done. Luigi x
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A wonderful poem, DI. Robins
A wonderful poem, DI. Robins are precious. I am an amateur bird watcher and observe their interactions with each other with a passion. About 20 years ago while eating in a restaurant in Port Elgin, New Brunswick I observed a large cluster of birds, all robins and something strange was happening. I watched from a large window as12 robins took up military positions - 4 on three lines and each about 5-6 ft. apart and all facing one direction. They actually marched forward in unison in one direction. The first line and sometimes the first two pecked at the ground while the third sought out worms who came out to see the commotion and were snatched up and all robins kept their positions Then after a 30 foot march on the large green summer moist lawn they reversed their positions and went back and forth in formation 3-4 times before I returned to my meal. Absolutely astounding. Take care. I have also seen many times, the precious antics of crows, sparrows, blue jays and also saw a mother hummingbird FEEDING her babies in MID-AIR one at a time. They faced each other in full flutter mode with beak-tips about 6 inches apart and the lightening jabs of mother's beak back and forth into baby's mouth was almost unbelievable, and no beak-bumping. I was about four feet away looking from a bedroom window.
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This is a wonderful poem Di
This is a wonderful poem Di and, as you know, it fits in with my own perception of this time of year.
I love your words ...
"allowing Heaven through a crack
to show a path for coming back"
I spend the whole of November and December telling myself that it will all be over soon when that crack appears and then just a hint of the nights getting lighter at the back end of January cheers me as much as a warm summer's day.
Thank you. It was a pleasure to read.
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"cold air's become a glitter
"cold air's become a glitter ball" There's that wonderful Di turn of phrase. A beautiful poem worthy of the accolades.
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wonderful imagery
wonderful imagery complimented by the subtle verse, highlighting your skills as a poet.
This morning I was on the village common and looking up at the sky was reminded that there is a blue beyind the grey, lightning streaks breaking through the fast moving clouds, layer upon layer, and then back home was treated these lines of yours:
"allowing Heaven through a crack
to show a path for coming back"
We can choose to see these paths or remain blinded to the possibilties of this short life of ours.
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