
Gold cherry
Story of the week

13 Don't You Step on my BluTacked Screws...

Sorry about that... More of Prospero Vint. Image author's own

Days Of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives By Paul McCann We played and we prayed. We run and had fun. We back flipped and skipped We knelt and we felt okay everyday. We...

Wild Walk

With magic lantern plans for Thursday, and the weather’s thundersome plans for Friday, today, the long walk, in the big coat, became the plan. I want...

How Are You?

A smile How are you? I don't know where to begin Things are different now Things are harder now To say the truth would be socially unacceptable...


Other people In poems Art Etc "You think I'm beautiful With no makeup Tied up greasy hair And sweatpants You see me at my ugliest And still say I'm...

12 "Better Get a Travelodge"?

I find the ads a bit annoying. Don't you? (Old) Travelodge Logo used under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Attribution TFE Hotels, CC BY-SA 4.0 <> , via Wikimedia CommonsWikipedia. Image created at

Charlie And The Lost Dog

Charlie And The Lost Dog By Paul McCann As the first of the new houses were being built around the village Ardoyne some of its early residents were...

Around The Fireplace

Around The Fireplace By Paul McCann Before the days of central heating and electric fires all the houses in Ardoyne had an open fire place . In the...

Four Veggies and a Pudding

The storm last night was Shakesperean. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people were shipwrecked and didn’t recognise each other this morning. It’s so...

A Midsummer Night’s Apocalypse

When you sit through a storm…
Gold cherry

Peter's Soul

The door was thick, four or five inches perhaps and made from iron. It felt very warm, hot even, hand hot, you could touch it but you wouldn’t want...


Karl felt compelled to leave the spaceplane and go down to where the flying saucer had landed. It was a very strange feeling. None of the other...

To wash or not to wash …

See that car so sparkling bright? passers-by enjoy the sight, standing there at number 10, washed and polished yet again. Here am I at number 8 in a...

An Extra Day

An Extra Day By Paul McCann A few years ago I was talking to one of the priests in Holy Cross about some of his memories of Holy Cross and he told me...

The Sweetest Things In Life

S weetest Things In Life By Paul McCann Some of the sweetest things you’ll find for every woman and man , are to enjoy what you like to do as often...

They Learnt To Be Smarter

They Learnt To Be Smarter By Paul McCann Between playing football and boxing there was never enough hours in the day for Micky and Sticky who were...

11 "I Just Don't Like Hastings"

No disparagement of Hastings intended. It's a character's words, not mine. Image from licence CC BY-NC 2.0

A Fleeting Glimpse

Brightness shining through. shafts of sunlight flood my room, Summer pays a visit.

Another Weather App Haiku

Blowing gale in June? Rain showers here and there Where is our summer?
