Memories Of You I Keep

By skinner_jennifer
- 7075 reads
In memory of Seta, Honey and Misty,
my three late cats who gave me
so much pleasure during the 1990s.
End of day became feline
precious eyes gleaming,
moments remained as
scattered leaves caper
testing attention,
kittenish yesterdays
promised empty
cardboard box,
climbing inside
pretending to hide,
slinky coats willowy;
watching you play
with freedom
to emerge.
Place called home
with sister and
brother to roam,
cycles of seasons
kept revolving,
limbs took on
different meanings
as through lazy days
of summer,
drowsy night time
exploits slink a
tight-rope wall
under stars and
moon sees all,
place to scratch an itch,
to chase flimsy moths
as warm air strokes darkness,
movement catches attention
springing body into action,
dreaming eyes gaze up
connect with lunar,
imagine bright ball
still and silent
in the darkness,
resigned paws
retract in
mysteries of night.
Now just sharing memories,
brings me closer...though
all seems but a dream
from so very long ago,
myself mooning over
many photographs
I have of you,
from another time,
another life so full.
Photo is my own.
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a lovely reminiscence Jenny
a lovely reminiscence Jenny
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This is very sweet, Jenny,
This is very sweet, Jenny, with some lovely lines - the moths, how warm air strokes darkness and the retraction of paws. Our relationships with animals are very precious. Rachel :)
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A lovely tribute. I have not
A lovely tribute. I have not one but four of the little perishers!
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Lovely photo Jenny, unpretentious, real. Your poem also is tender and sincere but I am more a dog person myself.
See you &
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Lovely memories of treasured
Lovely memories of treasured pets that will resonate with many cat lovers, Jenny, but perhaps not so much with dog owners.
Well done on the pick. Will you be reading on the 28th?
Luigi xx
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Delightful, Jenny. As a cat
Delightful, Jenny. As a cat lady myself (I've had four over the years, but never more than two at a time!) I recognised a lot of this. My present mog is sitting next to me keeping an eye on things, as she always does!
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Hi skinner_jennifer
I Love this. I have 5 cats now, I love to watch them play, and they all play differently, I love to watch them eat, I love to watch them drink water and one of them has milk only, I love it when they go out to the loo, and the ones that try to pull a fast one and try to use the loo inside. I love it when they are excited for their breakfast, but most of all I love to watch them fast asleep, in a ball, on their side, on their back, each Cat sleeps differently. usually in the their same place, but if a Cat is in a favourite spot, sometimes another cat will steal that other cat's place. I love their very different personality.
Recently I have thought what will happen of one of them dies? It will affect us all as a family, for we know who is the Boss and which one is NOT the boss but at the bottom of the pile. One manly goes at the front, of the house, at night when it is quiet 2 more go out at the front but we their Parents don't like this as, we want to tell them no stay at the back in the garden but we can't communicate that to them.
I can't imagine all 5 of our Cats no longer with us. it would not be the same without them in our lives. recently my Daughter away at Uni said to me I am SO glad you have the Cats to keep you company now us Kids are no more at home.
My Daughter has asked me to send her photos, I do when they are mainly asleep I always call it Family Life.
Thank you SO much for writing this. I have LOTS of pictures of them, I can relate. from MJG. x
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Hi skinner_jennifer
Hi, yes it is great that we can tell their frame of mind, one of our cats looks me straight in the eyes when she wants something, it almost looks like she is smiling, maybe because she wants breakfast a bit quicker. Also their tails go from left to right which shows another emotion. I Love cats. Do you have cats now?
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Hi Jenny
Hi Jenny
As you know, my visits here are rare these days but I couldn't resist this wonderful cat poem. Unfortunately where I live now (4th floor flat) is not a place for cats though I've had them in the past and my daughter Sarah has two - one of them is Honey. Hoping to see them at Christmas (Covid permitting).
Coral x
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This is our Poem of the Week
This is our Poem of the Week - Congratulations!
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lovely memories, Jenny.
lovely memories, Jenny.
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What a lovely poem! From the
What a lovely poem! From the first line about the end of the day belonging to cats all the way through to the last line which made me think that your memories from the photos were so bright they were like the moon and your going back to look, your reminiscences, are like moths, which is sad and beautiful at once.
We are still missing my son's cat who passed in Summer, and your poem reminded me of how he used to love playing with boxes. He would look like Beethoven, suddenly popping out, looking wildly around and then attack the side of the box like it was a piano and he was playing something dramatic and intense, before disappearing just as suddenly. I have kept a box with his claw marks in it, to use as storage as it reminds me.
I really enjoyed gentle, well observed poem, your love for your cats shines through
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