Ye Mighty

By airyfairy
- 1282 reads
Of course it wasn’t a Nazi salute. How could you think such a thing? I mean, the guy’s got Asperger’s. Everyone knows people with Asperger’s have no control over their independently-minded limbs, just as they have no control over their support for extreme right-wing political parties, or their deification of extreme right-wing thugs serving prison time in another country, or their periodic offers to impregnate women they have never met.
Even if he did have control over that arm, everyone knows it was a Roman salute. OK, so the Nazis may have had a thing for the imagery of the Roman empire, eagles and so forth, but saying it was a Nazi salute would be a bit like saying anyone who sports a swastika is a Nazi. They’re far more likely to be a student of Sanskrit who just got the symbol the wrong way round. And, you know, anyone wearing a white robe and pointy hat is probably just a film buff indulging in a bit of Birth of a Nation cosplay.
Of course, no-one associated with any recent event in the USA is connected with swastikas or pointy hats. Although they are quite keen on bald eagles, I’ve been told.
I was a bit puzzled as to why the richest man in the world would choose, as his avatar, an old paunchy guy with weird hair and orange skin, but maybe all the remotely normal-looking ones were taken. And I can kind of see the sense in it. You pick something that looks and sounds so ludicrous that no-one thinks it’s actually going to do all those stupid things, and then it’s too late to stop it and the game is yours, to rewrite and rearrange as you wish.
People will insist on misinterpreting things. Like thinking anything other than concern for the security of the free world would be a motive for purchasing or invading Greenland. That noble endeavour has got nothing, nothing, to do with the mineral wealth, oil and natural gas stored below the surface. As if a bunch of billionaire businessmen would have the slightest interest in getting their hands on somewhere that has, so far, resisted most attempts to mine it, drill it and completely annihilate its flora, fauna and indigenous way of life. Where’s the sense in that?
Of course, the sneaky British Empire got there first. I know the Empire is dead, but you have to admire the forensic precision with which it snaffled other people’s land and cultural artefacts, and apparently some agreement signed in 1917 gives the UK first refusal on Greenland. However, there may be ways round this as the UK hasn’t got sufficient cash to purchase a week’s Airbnb in Nuuk (which is the capital of Greenland, in case, like me, you didn’t know that until you looked it up). If there was any chance of Britain placing paws on a bit of Greenland, I’m sure it would’ve managed to finagle chunks of at least one ice sheet into a freezer at the British Museum.
I really don’t see, either, how you can accuse the richest man in the world and his avatar of being misogynistic shits. It makes no sense. The avatar has just signed a piece of paper stating that sex is determined and immutable from conception, and that has to be the greatest feminist act ever, because all babies are female at conception. America is now a nation of women! This may bring difficulties to a country being transformed into a homophobic theoligarchy, but I’m sure the richest man in the world can find a solution. Perhaps he can invent an electrically charged way of transferring bodily fluids from women with external genitalia over to women with internal genitalia, so that the American people can reproduce without any Sapphic undertones.
I don’t know quite what will happen about marriage, because same-sex marriage is not quite the ticket, is it? As for same-sex sexual congress outside the marriage that isn’t quite the ticket… well, I don’t know, but I’m sure the richest man in the world will sort it out. After all, his avatar never let any previous obstacle prevent him having sexual congress, ticketed or otherwise.
And I’m sure Canada will see sense, eventually. Why the hell do they need all that Arctic? They’re not doing anything useful with it.
I do wonder, sometimes, what will happen if at any point the richest man in the world ceases to be the richest man in the world. I know he’s way out in front at the moment, but lots of people have thought they were uncatchable, until someone caught them. I’m not suggesting we look to history or anything daft like that, because what can history tell us? But there is a poem I learned at school, years ago obviously, with some funny name I can’t remember now. Something about a statue in the desert. I can only recall one complete line, and a couple of fragments, and I’m not quite sure why I keep thinking of them because they’re nothing to do with what’s going on now. ‘Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair’, and something about the decay of a colossal wreck. Perhaps it’s because the wokeocracy is now a colossal wreck and all the snowflakes are in despair. Yes, that’ll be it.
Thank goodness the world has been saved from having to think about despair, or anything else much, ever again. The world’s richest man is already working on something to do all our thinking for us, and the prototypes are doing very well, I hear. Very well indeed.
Picture by Paul Sableman, free to use at Wikimedia Commons: File:Bank of America GREED KILLS (4472130898).jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Poem: Ozymandias | The Poetry Foundation
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Joe Biden had one job. Keep
Joe Biden had one job. Keep the moron's moron out. He failed. We failed. We're stuck with a narcisistic psychopath. I'm not sure if I'm talking about Trump or Musk here. But be very sure, there's no room in the room for two such giant egos to live happily ever after. That's one fight I'm quite looking forward to watching.
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Keep simmering with anger
Keep simmering with anger Airy. I think many across the pond are in shock. They'll come out of it soon and simmer along with you. Like celticman I look forward to seeing what happens when the bromance dies (not long now hopefully).
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This is What I learned....
I was in the US this Autumn, training with the US Coast Guard- Seattle WA. Very liberal, international & Democratic area.... as it was told to me....
Most Americans, have the luxury of not paying attention, 15% of independent registered voters, did not even show up to vote... Theres a lesson Europe can learn form this....
Superb Jane*.... you should be a political debate/speech/policy writer.....
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Ha ha my comment looks like I agree with you points :(
This is a brilliant piece of contra argumenting
i try to avoid reading the news about The Don. It fills me with dread and dismay. The more I read about what is happening the more parallels I draw from Germany in the 1930s. It's very concerning the steps toward totalitarianism in the US are slowly but surely being put in place. I truly hope unlike the German population America will wake up before it's too late.
long before Brexit happened I knew it would be a massive mistake. I hope to god I am wrong about this.
i would love to see your piece published in the Guardian
thanks for writing ;)
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So needed to read this! THANK
So needed to read this! THANK YOU :0)
I have a feeling Vance is encouraging him, in order that he goes too far and Trump has to dump him or lose popularity.
According to information I have received, he might be losing his shine for the Tiktok lot - He used leverage to get into a top e sport competition and was crap. He tried to get into a club in Germany and was turned away, so went online posting stuff like "Do they know who I am?" And rather than being born poor (as was the legend) his dad owned an emerald mine in South Africa.
The way things are going, half expecting him to announce all young people should be rounded up and sent to Mars till they learn to appreciate him
ps you didn't mention his haircut
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I watched Trump's
I watched Trump's Inauguration. I don't normally watch stuff like that but I did. As I listened I thought that it must have been about as close to a mirror image of a Putin speech as you could get. The US WILL take the Panama Canal, WILL take Greenland. Everyone WILL respect the US or fear us or both. We WILL impose either political/financial/military will on the rest of the world. Elon musk is all part of the new Reich. I see that migrants will be taken to Guantanamo Bay now.
Having been around the block once, I think Trump may end up being more circumspect and measured.....eventually. We can only hope that the current circus turns out to be mere theatre. I hope..
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Brilliant writing, as always,
Brilliant writing, as always, Jane. A perfect swipe. It's our Pick of the Day. Do share on social media.
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He is a brilliant opportunist
He is a brilliant opportunist, in the way an invasive species is, 'able to spread quickly in a previously unexploited habitat' ie social media
or a virus when the immune system (knowing the facts) has been compromised.
I can't see him toning down, specially now he is not held back by any Republican moderates like last time. Why bother going to Mars if you can change this world however you want
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Diet Coke & Pharmacuticals Doped
Its gonna get more bizarre.... I, for one, am optimistic theres going to be a crash here, a kind of implosion in the White House..... a bit of patients, but a capsize none the less.... Meantime-enjoy the show*
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I really love a good rant and
I really love a good rant and this is right up my street. Truth, irony, sinicism and wit rolled into one. I hope you have another go when the Orwellian man-child orders the destruction of books and the thought police arrest anyone blushing!
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This is our Story of the Week
This is our Story of the Week - Congratulations!
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I'd say ....
a big part of Trump's support has come from people who think the sun shines out of his rear end and will always worship him. But he won the election because he managed to attract enough floating/flakey/non-political voters who just liked the noises about taking strong action and - crucially - didn't like the idea of a black woman as president. I think they'll soon see how dishonest and dangerous he is and he will lose their support. That might make more Republicans in Congress resist his wilder actions, but it will be two years until the mid-term elections that it will really make a big difference.
The other possibility is that Trump collapses mentally or physically, or dies, and Vance takes over. It's hard to say if he will be as bad but I think he will keep a lot of the right wing nutters around him, and maintain the momentum created by Trump.
I can understand that decent, intelligent people need time to absorb what's happened and regroup, but they should be ready to start kicking up shit in opposition to the oragne facist.
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A great piece of Rant, full
A great piece of Rant, full of intelligent humour and satire. You are describing the unfortunate times we are entering well. As you airyfairy and all of you are saying this chaotic new administration in America is getting very dangerous. The normal checks and balances of politics, and law, don't seem to be applying all of a sudden since Trump won the election. I can't believe the American people have been so stupid. Don't they value their constitution and their democracy? There does seem to be a serious takeover of everything going on, which does suggest that Americans need to fight politically, and legally to contain this administration within their proper boundaries. Unfortunately they seem to be dismantling the normal checks and balances, so Americans are in for some kind of real fight if they wish to hold onto real democracy and free speech! I would have never thought it possible that it would come towards this.
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You're going to have to be
You're going to have to be patient with me, forewarning! I don't live by many rules, but no politics at the table is one of them, particularly when there's a beer glass handy to be thrown.
Musk did jump into bed with Farage over their mutual agreement over, I guess, I can only refer to it as white supremacy. There is a strong movement in the UK against Muslims and immigrants. It is disturbingly growing in popularity as TalkSport (a popular radio station) gave Farage airtime (whereby he talked about our sports transitioning to Saudi). I hate to say it but Farage has a rather large TikTok following, something which has attracted Musk like a moth to a flame.
However, was it truly a Nazi salute? It's debatable, but not what the pro-right wing propaganda ascertains. Is there a middle ground and reasonable judgement as to whatever the hell that was, sheer excitement possibly, or a genuine 'hangover fear' moment?
And Trump, well, I will watch with bated breath to see if he can get Putin to negotiate over the atrocities in Ukraine as the death toll continues to rise on both sides. However, I highly doubt even the most skilled Western politician could ever get Putin tried for war crimes. And what right do we have to do that after Blair and Bush?
I am still baffled as to why any American woman would vote for him after you know what and deny a first female president for the second time, it is truly baffling to me as a woman.
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I didn't realise Musk met
I didn't realise Musk met with Tommy Robinson! Well, that changes my opinion entirely. I watched a podcast with Tommy Robinson and a documentary about German extremists, both of which aimed their hatred at the Islamic faith, could it be classified as scapegoating once again?
Very much so, one of the arguments I find the most difficult to counter however is that why should immigrants get shelter and a set budget to spend every week when there are ex-military homeless on our streets. I do attempt to do so by stating the government doesn't fund or contribute to charities like Erskine, where they look after our military, some of whom are injured or mentally scarred. So, who is in the wrong?
I had a history teacher who taught in Saudi Arabia where she was accosted by local police for shopping in a mall without a man, so that's a hard pass for me. Also, I watch travel blogs on YouTube where men can travel freely in Afghanistan but never a female travel blog, again for obvious reasons.
I travelled to Moscow in 2003 or 2004 as a teenager. One of my travelling companions and a very good friend is a black female, who was also a teenager at the time, and her mum (from Zimbabwe) flat-out refused to travel with us, so we were stuck with our dads haha. I found it all very interesting visiting a preserved Lenin in his tomb with armed Russian guards shouting at me to get out when my Nokia 3210 started to ring! But, I was never in any real danger whereas my friend was stared at everywhere we went and even stopped by ex-KGB demanding to see her passport.
I think racism and sexism are something we will never eradicate, and it could be to our demise, as well as sectarianism. We seem to become more and more divided by opposing views, even in my home where my husband seems to think a white woman is more under threat from immigrant men than domestic abuse!
However, Musk and the men in power do not help whatsoever with segregation amongst the world population.
It was a pleasure to read and debate :) thanks for posting your story and not throwing any beer glasses haha.
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