

A View From the Cab - A Sidney Green Story

“Look at all those buzzing bees out there,” said the gentleman passenger, “running hither and thither to accomplish life's goals. Capitalists on...

Kelpies, Water Nymphs and Nixies

What with all the rain and wild weather, I’ve been contemplating water nymphs, curses, three wishes and uncanny rivers birling dark peaty pools. Once...

Love Never Changes

Love Never Changes By Paul McCann In a heartbeat I’d give all my life to you , all my love everyday in everything we do In a lifetime , there’s only...

Jenny's Giggle In The Garden

Jenny's Giggle In The Garden By Paul McCann It was a quiet afternoon in Karmasville and Jenny heard the birds singing in the tree outside her window...

The 30th Anniversary of Jack Schwartzman's Death

Jack Schwartzman had one daughter and three sons. This Producer died of Pancreatic Cancer at the age of 61. Sadly, he lost his life thirty years ago...

Kit Handsome and a busy day in politics (1)

“My dog lacks the mental capacity to form criminal intent,” said Missy Johnson. This was going to be one of those days, thought Kit. He’d hoped for a...

Miles Henderson Lived here (3)

The next few weeks were busy. Although the Writing Council hadn’t announced where the Henderson Festival would be held, Whitcombe was confident that...


It’s that time again When you don’t know Who you are and where you are Looking in the mirror Closing your eyes Knowing that when you open them It...

Una mano lava l'altra

The working press is not portrayed too favorably in their own forum. T.V. shots of a gaggle of reporters screaming questions at a public official,...

Silver Screen

Thursday afternoon Silver Screen, film for a fiver, at Peterhead hasn’t shown a film I’ve fancied for ages. At last, there was something I was...
Gold cherry

The Hunting of the Wren

It's a folk-rite of renewal. Like many, in its original form, it is unutterably savage. This is an old poem, (2015) but I've rescued it from an old hard disk because it reminds me of the clips I saw of last night's ridiculous pre-election slanging match. Image licence Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic Image source

Late, Late in the Evening

Late, Later in the Evening As the sunset behind the disappearance of the rune stone horizon, this moment calls for a reflection, taking a reclining...

1:5:2 Fate (Part 3)

The initial launch lulled them into a false sense of security. They had all expected to have been thrown around the bridge, similar to pebbles in a...

Three jokes

I phoned 999. "Fire, fire," I said. "Which service do you require?" said the voice on the other side of the phone. I said "Ambulance. A firing squad...


I didn’t know I had a sister until it was too late. Snow muffled sound and the weight of the outside world. We didn’t have money for the electricity...

Rolled-up Pair Of Socks Revisited

Tromp, tromp, tromp, tromp… Walking to the shop. It’s good for me, it’s good for me… This avenue is like some kind of creative vortex for me...

Ways of Starting a Novel #2

"Well, well vile shrew. You're nowt to look at and you were hard to woo, but I'll say one thing for ye - you make a mighty fine tea." "Thank ee...
Gold cherry
Story of the week

13 Don't You Step on my BluTacked Screws...

Sorry about that... More of Prospero Vint. Image author's own

Days Of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives By Paul McCann We played and we prayed. We run and had fun. We back flipped and skipped We knelt and we felt okay everyday. We...
